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Everything posted by ZAIZAI

  1. Testing the Turbojet engine while landed on Minmus sounded pretty darn stupid to me...but I did it as I needed the cash.
  2. I had my second Eve mission devoured by the Krakken... Not fair!
  3. Home with the flu so I completed refuelling operations and attached 4 landers to my Jool system explorer. 2 landers to go and some more crew and we are off to Jool and at least 4 moons. Yes at 913 tons it is really silly, don't know if it will work but the Duna explorer worked a treat.
  4. This was my Duna mission. Sent up the interplanetary stage with lab but no fuel into LKO, fuelled it up and attached landers in orbit and then went for Duna. Pretty good mission, two landings on Duna and one on Ike on the way back. Would have been simpler to build smaller missions and send three separate but what would be the fun in that?
  5. Cheeses! I felt rather smug with my Duna explorer (175 tons in orbit in one launch), with three landers and fuel (to spare I'd say) it was 465 tons. (Interstellar mod, no mech jab). Not so smug anymore... My Jool mission is in the works. 281 tons of payload in LKO (similar design but with fusion engines and 2 3,75 m fission reactors), will see how heavy it gets when all the equipment is on and fuelled up...
  6. Insterstellar mod and some visuals only, mech jab or any other engineering aid are for sissies (and Scott Manley, he is no sissy...)! ~175 tons of payload destined for LKO, I did overcook the ascent so a slight elliptical Kerbin orbit was established, 235 km to 380 km. Oh well, it will make the fuelling and equipment missions more interesting i guess?! The beast can't do more than 100 m/s in dense atmosphere or it will rip apart. No fuel, RCS tanks are loaded however and only one pilot. After about 10 refuelling missions and attaching landers there is about ~465 tons of Duna explorer (referred to as the 'Beast') burning towards Duna. Crew of 5, 2 scientists for the lab, 1 mission cmdr in the cupola piloting the Beast and 2 mission specialists (landing party and science gatherers). Quite a lot of RCS used during burns, seems the beast is not very well balanced and tend to veer off towards 10 O'Clock on the nav ball. Arrived at Duna and low orbit achieved. No aerobreaking as the Beast is probably too fragile for that sort of stuff. About 2600 m/s delta V expended from high Kerbin orbit (very little help from mr. Oberth) to low Duna orbit, pretty well eyeballed departure window eh? Lots of fuel left! First lander departing for Duna surface mission. Piece of cake! The mission was planned for three landings on Duna at different biomes, however the last lander was used for a visit to Ike. There was an option to do four excursions with the landers, three on Duna and then to pool the fuel into one lander for a last landing at Ike. This was however scrubbed due to insufficient space to store all the surface samples. Lander leaving for Ike; The landers ascent stages are dumped in low Ike orbit in order to save weight for transfer back to Kerbin. Lined up for Kerbin capture burn, the crew is getting quite anxious to get back home... Back in low Kerbin orbit, capsules are used for getting the crew and, more importantly, about 2800 points of science down to the ground. The Beast was deorbited as the last capsule with Cmdr. Corden Kerman decoupled and set course for landing. Bit of fuel left and quite a lot of RCS... No radioactive fallout was detected when the beast hit the ground!? The experience from this mission will be used to design a visit to Jool with something similar to "The Beast"...more fuel and less reactors me thinks!?
  7. Ah, sorry. Scold away. I am just curious if there is a thread anywhere that discusses content of comming updates as the search function does not want to play with me for some reason... Hmmm, where did my signature go?
  8. Hello all Kerbonauts, thought I would just post a quickie here and introduce myself. I am fairly new to KSP and have not been particularely active in this forum but I am a long time lurker and a short time registered... I have to say that I was a bit sceptic about downloading KSP in the first place (from STEAM that is) but can't say I regret it much, though I am loosing quite a bit of sleep because of it, dang it is addictive. Silly question but does anyone know when the next update is due? Soonish?
  9. Well, thanks for that! I had to send my 175 tons of interplanetary explorer, dry weight and with empty reactors and reactor fuel pods to be able to achieve orbit. I managed to get it half fuelled with liquids and was about to transfer first load of nuclear fuels when...well I couldn't! Seems the nuclear rockets and reactors work fine without nuclear fuels (!?) but it kind of beats the purpose. Of and it took about 8-10 launches, and in the end Jebediah had to pilot the beast in order for me to reach a stable orbit with the beast.
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