Ladies and gentlemen, I am a very amateur spaceplane builder, forced to come before you with what is both challenge and plea for help. You see, I have created what I believe is a relatively viable, small spaceplane that is at least twice as long as it is wide, which I have dubbed the Longfellow. I rather like how it handles, and it has a reasonable amount of power and usability. As a first attempt, I was rather pleased. Yes, I am pleased with my Longfellow. lol. But then my fondness for excess and absurdity got the better of me. The original Longfellow has a body of just five mk2 fuselages. I got bored and created a monstrosity that uses (assuming I counted right) twenty-eight mk2 fuselages! After many, many tweaks, I have made it capable of not immediately exploding upon hitting the end of the runway. I have named it, rather aptly, I think, the VERY Longfellow. Yes, I tried to get it all in one screenshot, it did not work. As you might imagine, it still doesn't work. I've tried a few more tweaks, such as adding canards and winglets to the top, affectionately calling the resulting experiment the Sailback... not even worth the link. So, now we come to the challenge/plea part of this post. Using no fewer than twenty-eight mk2 fuselages, all connected in one unbroken line, create a flyable spaceplane that still manages to maintain its serpentine look. I've been playing Shadow of the Colossus as well, recently, so I've been taking some inspiration from Phalanx.