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  1. Hi all, Here is an update to my Carrier entry. The Reliant is receiving its first Lancer Torpedo boat. The Torpedoes are Romfarer's guided missiles mounted on a disposable rack that can be manipulated by a utility tug to reload the boat. Enjoy!
  2. I made this: http://imgur.com/a/pOiXv#0
  3. Hi all, First time Poster, long time creeper. Here is my entry, the Reliant Class. It's a take on Macey Dean's .It uses the B9 Aerospace and Romfarer's Sunbeam and Guided Weapons mods. It was boosted into a 124km orbit legitimately. It can carry in its hangar: 6 Seraphim Fighters each armed with 2 lasers, 2 Lance torpedo boats, 2 automated tugs and a load of torpedoes. Two additional docking ports are located aft to accommodate refuelling shuttles. Right now there is only 2 Seraphim fighters aboard. More to come later. The ship itself is armed with 6 laser cannons hidden in the hull. 3 top-side, 3 on the bottom. When not in use, the hatches cover the cannons. The Crew can leave their fighters and relax in its "spacious" accommodation (Crew accommodation at the back of the hangar).
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