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69 Excellent

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    Spacecraft Engineer
  1. I've been to Duna once but otherwise just Mun and Minimus. I find the interplanetary transfers way too difficult, even with all the calculators and such. Even when I do it just right per calcualtor it's almost impossible to get encounter. Waaaay too much work for me.
  2. http://exploration.grc.nasa.gov/education/rocket/rktstab.html This is the best explanation I found. Bottom line: The conditions for a stable rocket are that the center of pressure must be located below the center of gravity.
  3. ok thanks. wonder why they didn't change it? It's kind of a pain now. You should be able to transfer science when docked like you can for fuel etc. Oh well pretty minor.
  4. Hi folks, any changes in science transfer between vessels or is it still EVA? Thanks.
  5. I never saw them as a pair, that's rather unprofessional, no? You'd hate to be on the wrong side of an airlock after a spat.
  6. All I can say is, enjoy that period of your life when the perceived shortcomings of a computer game are a big issue and/or problem for you. Soon enough you will have far greater things to worry about.
  7. That is a great review. They very rarely give out scores that high. - - - Updated - - - That is a great review. They very rarely give out scores that high.
  8. Well said KasperVid. An important part of leadership is taking more blame than credit. I've been in gaming since the late 1980's and almost every release has bugs, sometimes more than others. As long as it's not too bad and fixed quickly it's not a big deal. I've learned to deal with it simply by rarely buying/playing a new release until the first patch. Early access is different because so many have been playing the game already for so long. If you complainers had never played KSP before Monday I bet you'd be singing a different tune. Of course I agree legitimate feedback is ok and beneficial but let's all remember how great this game is and how responsive the developers are. Take a deep breath and wait for the patch. Remember how much time with family and friends the developers gave up to bring you KSP and be appreciative. Yes I know it's their job but everyone deserves respect and recognition for a job well done, even if (or especially if) said respect and recognition is accompanied by constructive feedback. Meanwhile the British Empire is under attack by the HRE in 1402 so that needs my attention for awhile yet! (CK2).
  9. What are the effects of that flag being true anyway? I only learned of its existence a few days ago, I understand Jeb and Val have it. Thanks.
  10. Exactly. They should just make it so above a certain speed chute tears off. Perhaps in a certain range it could be a chance thing. I thought that was the whole idea of drogue chutes, they can open at a higher speed. I haven't seen anyone post about Duna landings with new chutes.
  11. The hype was so over the top that disappointment is inevitable. I can't tell you how many times I've seen this over the last 20 years of my gaming experience. Hype hype, when is release??!! Release now!!! releases, wait 15 minutes.... this is broken! Bugs! Patch now. When is patch??!! release patch now... If I had a dollar for every time I've lived through that, I could buy a movie ticket, AND a large popcorn. And bring my son! Although we'd have to share the popcorn. 'tis why I don't hardly ever play a game on release day, or even release week.
  12. I was checking out curse.com, Mechjeb is already out for 1.0. I've never used it but thought you might like to know. And KER! Now that I use!
  13. never play a game when it's first released. never.
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