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Everything posted by a1104477

  1. At some point they are going to add PRICES to every thing in the game at that point I would like to be able to get by with the cheapest vehicles I can build, With the Sun Tracker part you wouldn't need heaps of solar panels pointing in all different directions, and the ACTUAL reason I wanted this part/toggle is that I am playing with the Kethane mod at the moment which involves scanning planets/moons over long periods so it isn't a matter of adding more batteries especially early on the thing would be stupid big and If you don't want to be adjusting the angle of the probe every few minutes then something like this would be VERY useful... also JimmyAgent007s' comment about being able to keep communications satellites pointed at a planet is a valid one, It annoys me no end as well when they point in the wrong direction every half orbit.
  2. Basically a toggle button that tells your satellite/spaceships command module to track the sun. Making it so that the nose of the space ship is point towards the sun using SAS or if enabled RCS at all times. I would like this to be active during time warp AND while not focused on a ship thus allowing ships to maintain Optimum solar power charge even while unsupervised and whilst using fixed solar panels that can't rotate early game. I apologise if this has been suggested I went through the list and didn't see anything like it there. Thanks.
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