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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Well, I just increased the rate of compression by 100x. Two O2 compressors allowed excess oxygen to build up. Three reduced my oxygen reserve at a slower rate. This seems to agree with my 1 separator per 270 compressors estimate. I can send you my setup and the adjusted files if you would like to test it for yourself when you get the time. Don't mean to be a pain, just trying to help you troubleshoot. Thanks for your work!
  2. No need to mess with the separator, since that is not the bottleneck. The compressor is. Right now, the separator outputs ~0.21 units of oxygen per second. However, if I am reading the compressor file correctly, the compressor can only handle ~0.0007777 oxygen input per second. This means that in order to compress all of the output oxygen from one separator, you would need about 270 compressors. By increasing the rate at which the compressors compress oxygen, you could maintain the correct ratio of gasses in the atmosphere while making the production of fuel a viable option. I think 2-10 compressors per separator might be a good start, depending on how tough you would like to make it for game balance. On a related note, I have read people talking about taking water from the seas. How does this work?
  3. I probably need to post more pictures, but I want to get this posted to get you started. Here is the imgur gallery. Yell if you need more info. Heck, yell if this entire post is a rambling mess. http://imgur.com/gallery/jpmb5/new To start, I tested the gas systems in your mod. Both the separator and compressors seem to work. My only feedback there is that oxygen compressors only produce around .0175 oxidizer per day. I adjusted it to increase the compressor's output to 17.5 per day. Note that I am not saying the oxygen portion of the atmosphere should increase, just that the rate at which it is compressed should be adjusted up to be practical. I think producing 10-20 oxidizer per day per compressor would be sufficient. Thoughts? For the biomass part of the mod, I built testbeds for my own learning purposes. First one focuses on the large greenhouse and the Koylent maker. Either I am doing things wrong or I have found some bugs (probably both). The testbed includes: -probe body (no Kerbals since I run TAC LS and didn't want to affect the Biomass numbers) -enough electricity generation and storage to power the Death Star's superlaser -large water source in order to remove that bottleneck (100%) -extra seedbox (50% full) -extra food storage to prevent it from filling up (0%) -a large greenhouse (50% of seeds, biomass, 70% of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water) -a koylent maker (0%) The koylent maker seems to work as intended, although I have not tested it for specific bugs or exceptions. Experiment Steps: 1) Timewarp. Biomass in the greenhouse drops to ~10%, the oxygen to ~30%, and the CO2 rises to 100%. However, it stops there. Since the CO2 is full, respiration stops. It should continue until all biomass and/or O2 is depleted. Revert Flight 1) Turn on lights and extend greenhouse panels. 2) Timewarp. From what I understand, with light, CO2, and water, the Biomass should grow and produce more biomass and oxygen. However, only respiration occurs until it hits the 100% CO2 wall again. EDIT: Light works like electricity. If you time warp too quickly, light production falls to zero and only respiration occurs. 3) Activate the IR lights. This should cause the seeds to germinate and increase biomass and oxygen while depleting CO2 and water. Biomass increases, but all other values remain the same. Revert Flight 1) Turn on lights, extend greenhouse panels, and activate the IR lights. 2) Timewarp. Biomass increases, oxygen and CO2 change correctly, but water does not change. Once biomass reaches 100%, respiration begins and oxygen, CO2, and water change as appropriate until the C02 wall is hit. Some notes from these experiments: 1) Respiration should continue after CO2 reaches 100%. 2) All values should hold fairly constant once biomass reaches 100%. In that case, growth should be equal respiration. Instead, respiration continues at full rate. Seems like a lot of the issues are caused by either mistakes setting the effects of each arrange of buttons, or in flaws in how KSP handles resource depletion and generation. 3) Possibly no way to fix it, but the light resource does not play well with timewarp. Maybe increase the amount from 10 to 100 or 1,000? For my last task, I cannot harvest seeds. Using the same setup as above, with the lights off and panels closed, I tried activating the seed harvester. I get... biocake? Reset, tried the biocake harvester, same thing. I can't figure out where nets me more seeds. Me being dumb, or a bug? Possibly related to the light generation bug in timewarp?
  4. Work has been killing me, so haven't done it yet. Would a video be better for you?
  5. Hi! Really like how the +Science version of the mod looks. However, running into some very severe bugs (not producing seeds, biomass decay stops when CO2 is full, producing biomass without drawing CO2, etc). I am running the 16 Jan update with the seeds fix posted 31 Jan. I'll try to post how to recreate the bugs in the next day or two. Thanks!
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