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Everything posted by Tux-box1

  1. I'll take my punishment for a silly mistake, sure. Just for reference, this is the first time I've run a windows based server app. If I had been running this on a linux server where case sensitivity is the rule every where I wouldn't have missed a beat. Just saying, yes it was a simple mistake I accept that, should have noticed the case in the reference on the command line. I didn't notice but I did figure it out. Now there's a reference to it on the forums so some one who's banging their head on the wall as to why something's not working they can find out with ease. I'm ok with some public backlash if it helps others. /coffee /peace
  2. I did also try the following code. /set mysqlconnstring server=;port=3306;database=KSP;uid=KSP;pwd=KSP;pooling=true; that resulted in the following output [Info] : No key found for mysqlconnstring server=;port=3306;database=KSP;uid=KSP;pwd=KSP;pooling=true; So I tried again using case mySQLConnString Server=;Port=3306;Database=KSP;Uid=KSP;Pwd=KSP;Pooling=true; This time it worked. It would be nice to know things like "case sensitivity is required" maybe it can be added to the readme?
  3. Thank you for your reply, but that is exactly what I tried; with different details. I typed the following into the KMP server console. /set mySQLConnString=Server=;Port=3306;Database=KSP;Uid=KSP;Pwd=KSP;Pooling=true; I got the following [Info] : Command Input: /set mySQLConnString=Server=;Port=3306;Database=KSP;Uid=KSP;Pwd=KSP;Pooling=true; [Info] : Invalid usage. Usage is /set [key] [value] So naturally I thought I had the syntax wrong, or had things in the wrong order.
  4. This may have been asked, I did not find it with the search function. What is the syntax of the mysqlconnstring?
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