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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I don't know how to use the clouds mod with this to add custom ambiance or any sort of cloud for that matter. it would be much appreciated if someone could help me.
  2. ok I have the cloud mod but here is the file. PFBody { name=Tectonica templateName=Duna flightGlobalsIndex=760 } CelestialBody { bodyDescription=This planet is known for its violent tectconic events, Not many objects crash into the surface because of the corrosive compounds its atmosphere is made out of GeeASL=0.5 Radius=550000 atmosphere=True atmosphereScaleHeight=3 maxAtmosphereAltitude=45000 rotates=True rotationPeriod=61920 initialRotation=180 tidallyLocked=False } Orbit { inclination = 10 eccentricity = 0.001 semiMajorAxis = 45839348203 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3 epoch = 0 referenceBody = Sun LAN = 80 } PQSMod_CelestialBodyTransform { //deactivateAltitude=180000 } PQS { radius=550000 minLevel=1 maxLevel=10 } PQSMod_PFDebug { order=99999 modEnabled=True minAlt=999999 } PQSMod_VertexPlanet { modEnabled=False } PQSMod_PFOffset { modEnabled=True offset=500 order=5 } ScaledExport { templateName=Duna mapWidth=2048 maxHeight=5000 hasOcean=false oceanHeight=0.0 exportBin=True removeAlpha=False } PQSMod_VertexHeightMap { modEnabled=True //order=160 heightMap=Tectonica_height.png heightMapDeformity=7500 heightMapOffset=1000 //scaleDeformityByRadius=True } PQSMod_VertexColorMap { modEnabled=True //order=150 vertexColorMap=Tectonica_color.png }
  3. the color never shows up nor does it slow you down, no re entry or mach effects, however parachutes do deploy but do nothing.
  4. I have problems with one of my planets' (Tectonica) atmosphere appearing is this normal or is there a fix i would really like to know.
  5. Here is my sneak peek hope you like the pack NOTE: the numbers are there for organizational needs.
  6. Half and half some form space engine some are custom.
  7. 1) Ran out of RCS for a rendezvous. 2) Forgot solar panels. (that has happened to me one to many times). 3) Incorrectly guessing fuel amounts for an interplanetary maneuver. 4) Putting on the wrong winglets. 5) Eve's atmosphere was much higher than I thought
  8. Here's a sneak peek at the first release of my planet pack. it will have its own thread up in a few days. IMGUR<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/FAwit/embed"></iframe>/IMGUR
  9. This sounds like a great idea! i'm happy to see someone work on something like this
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