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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. ouch entitled...not so much just kinda tired and was unable to find anything about it after hours of probing the forums. Mind you also new to the forum so not sure exactly where to look, forum title said broken but most comments were how awesome it worked so my sleepy brain went, OMG whats going on just shout for help and go to sleep someone will prolly respond..wakeing up and seeing these helped and i could possibly worded my post dif but like i said mad tired and already brain fried trying to fix it myself patently waiting now
  2. Neither an ultimatum or walking away...totally love the game just prolly needed some sleep and a break from messing with it i couldnt find on the forums where it said the version was actually broke all i could find were the praises of how it worked and i knew it did so the combination of both just made me go fuuuuuuuuu i just want to build a sweet s with these parts again why dosent it work now lol Also Sirkut your work is awesome and i cant wait to get back to building crazy contraptions with your parts
  3. Apologies it was less an ultimatum and more of a sleep deprived aggravation it is a great mod and i had used it i was up all night after getting KMP working so a friend and I could play and after i got that working i backed it up and started playing non KMP and when i grabbed this mod it wasnt working and skimming threw the thread i guess i missed the actually fact that it was broken i just didnt understand why it went from working to not lol....after getting some rest and seeing the responses im a lil less aggravated seeing that its an issue with the mod and not that I just screwed it up witch is what i figured and if that was the case was going to uninstall and re install anyway. Should have put in there i was on a kerbal binge LOL
  4. I dont understand what im doing wrong but everytime i try to run the .jar it just wants to unzip it am i doing it wrong or what am i missing help would be super
  5. Im kinda new to the KSP world and have just started to get into the mods i love the design and quantity of things this mod brings but im at a loss i can build with all the parts but it seams the 2 stage engines dont work but i an toggle between the modes. Is there a plugin im missing or some secret button i cant figure out that actually engages thrust. Any help would be great
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