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Everything posted by Tracker

  1. So, I downloaded and used Version 1.47 and my cockpits are now shrinking. The load fine when loaded from the SPH or VAB: But whenever you quick load, or revert back to launch, this happens: They seem to be reverting back to their original size. However, the stats (charge, food, etc.) remains the scaled numbers. So it isn't a change in the stats, or even the center of mass, just the scale of the mesh. It still works fine, but it looks silly. Nothing else seems effected. I have a 70 part aircraft, and only the cockpit shrinks upon reload.
  2. I am not sure how to add a log as the game isn't crashing. Is there some way to export more useful information?
  3. So, I am not sure if this is a mod problem, But I have FAR, B9, tweakscale, deadly reentry, and procedural wing installed. There are others, but those are the only mods I can think would cause the problem. As the name suggests, whenever I right click an aero surface (wing or control surface, but not speed brake) from stock, or procedural, the game slows to about 2 FPS. This is even just trying to pan/zoom/rotate without trying to change any of the values. When I left click any other part (including other B9 parts, engines, intakes, cockpits, etc.), or don't have any menu selected, the game works perfectly fine and I get 30 FPS+. I can only think that FAR or something else is trying to dynamically update lift/drag, or at least that is my best guess. Have any of you ran into this issue?
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