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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Today I finally figured out why Remote tech didn't work out for me the first time I tried the mod. Omnidirectional antennas won't allow a connection to Mission control unless it's on the active vessel (the one your controlling at the moment). Had put up a relay system in 1.0.4 that I just couldn't get to work. Well now I know why. It might be a very basic thing, but I was a big revelation when I figured it out.
  2. Honestly I don't know. I don't run KSP via Steam, and my account there only says 24 hours - which is somewhat off. My best estimate would be around 500 hours, but really, I don't know.
  3. In orbit around Kerbin, onboard the Intrepid together with Bob and Steve (Bill has to be at KSC, as my policy is to at all times to have one of the Orange Suits at KSC if a mission needs an expert Kerbonaut), awaiting their transferburn to Eve, which will come in a few days time.
  4. Landed my Minmus Base on Minmus, and cashed in on that contract. Also, found out that 1.700.000 km isn't low enough to get "Low orbit over the Sun". Well I guess my probe will have to take another orbit, so I can get it's periaps lower than that.
  5. Mine is the whole tycoon element. I've only played since 0.23, but I really love the career element of the game. It's not that I dislike flying the ships themself (on the contrary actually), but what really appeal to me is the management of the spaceagency as a whole. Planning missions, balacing funds, engineering ships capable of fulfilling the planned missions etc.
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