Hello there. I've come up with some ideas for planets. Specifically, an expansion of sorts to Alternis Kerbol. Mainly filling in that large gap between Tylo and Eeloo and making the inner system more exciting. Said ideas: -Scraper: The asteroid moon of Moho. Orbits REALLY CLOSE. Or at least as close as it is plausible to do so. -Sitrus: A smallish yellow moon of Eve. Has an eccentric, highly inclined orbit, making missions here unlike Eve missions despite orbiting Eve. -Tours: A dwarf planet between Jool and Tylo. Great for tours, hence the name. Has three moons. -Lop: Pol's evil twin or something. -Putty: Looks like Silly Putty. -Goof: Has an eccentric orbit. -Rebol: The system after Tylo. A "brown dwarf" and practically a miniature system. (Read: gas giant with high surface gravity made to glow red via clouds). -Staanli: Barely habitable world closely orbiting Rebol. -Kostner: A dwarf Neptune/ocean world. -Belan: A moon of Kostner meant to make the planet interesting. How is it interesting? Well, it's a moon of a moon as far as the game is concerned. -Edmund: The much-discussed "peaks in vacuum" world. -Victor: A dwarf planet orbiting a dwarf star. An icy body mainly useful for refueling. -Invurs: Like the original Tylo, but a parent body. No atmosphere. Outside Rebol's orbit. -Jaeger: Titan-like. Orbits Invurs. Possibly has oceans. Meant to make aerobraking into the Invurs system "interesting." -Blip: A little moon for when you don't want a challenging landing to go with your challenging insertion. -Jinks: Gray and green gas giant. 4 moons with a lopsided mass distribution. Outermost planet other than Eeloo. -Fuzzle: Low gravity, incredibly thick atmosphere. Great for spaceplanes, if you can get them there. -Squeak: A tiny irregular moon. Getting a lander here is like hauling a pencil to Antarctica. -Tumble: Has terrain that can only be described as spiky. -Beast: A subdued version of Thud from default PlanetFactory i.e. very large but not absurdly so. I have to stress that these are only ideas. I think they would be fun, but they are just ideas. Anything I should change? How should I make these concepts a reality?