I've been working for the past few days on resolving an annoyance of mine - the physical button you assign to brakes is not a toggle, it is on when you're pressing it, and otherwise it's off! This annoys me when landing aircraft, so I made a mod to "fix" it! All it does is add another keybind, which is not in the actual keybinding menu (all the people whom I asked said it's not possible ). So how do you change the keybinds, you ask? Well, if you right click the on-screen break button, a small GUI will show up assisting you to do this! It works nearly like the keybind menu, so it should be self explanatory. You can toggle it off by right clicking the break button again. So yeah, enjoy! I've certainly liked the small thing it does so far!
And if you have ANY bugs, PLEASE TELL ME! I'll look into them ASAP!
Download: https://mega.co.nz/#!EJNQVBqI!V6_mnZf3TKlU6XQgH9jVdYbCelaNVqP2ZI6uEcI1piU
Source code: https://github.com/ericBG/KSP-Break-Toggle/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
License: MIT