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    Curious George
  1. I've got the same problem. the "Ar202" is in my parts and also attached to my rockets. Before i updated to from 0.23 to 0.23.5 it worked and the menu showed up on the right side at the launch pad. Put after the update to 0.23.5 the menu is gone. I first thought it's because of the toolbar but after deinstalling the toolbar and also de- and reinstalling the whole KSP the menu still didn't show up.
  2. Hey guys, like the landing struts, I would like to open/deploy the solar panels within the VAB just to have a overview of "used" space and also for designing crafts/stations. It's really annoying if I deploy my solar panels in space and see that they are covering each other. I hope this is n issue for you guys, too.
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