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    Curious George
  1. On the lower (beginner?) end of the tech tree I like the idea put forward elsewhere that the thermometer and barometer ( and maybe for gravioli ) have a tech tree of their own i.e. single measurement ---> auto logging ...... maybe with a data logging module? which still maintains the measurement/sampling separation parallel this with a data transmission percentage increase as you 'tech up' your antennae/power usage/power generation and its a more realistic copy of historical science advancement. Even pre-WW2 had temperature and pressure logging and that was pre-orbit (let alone moon) capable. This i believe would provide more focus on pre-mun missions ( ie polar orbit anyone? ) for the absolute beginner, and then later interstellar satellite missions
  2. I like the idea put forward elsewhere that the thermometer and barometer ( and maybe for gravioli ) have a (small) tech tree of their own i.e. single measurement ---> auto logging which still maintains the measurement/sampling separation parallel this with a data transmission percentage increase as you better your antennae/power usage/power generation and its a more realistic copy of historical science advancement. Even pre-WW2 had temperature and pressure logging and that was pre-orbit (let alone moon) capable. This i believe would provide more focus on pre-mun missions ( ie polar orbit anyone? ) for the absolute beginner, and then later interstellar satellite missions
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