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    Curious George
  1. The only thing that I think remote tech 2 currently needs is a data storage tank/device(have one on a command station that isn't KSC so you can send data to that when you don't have a connection to KSC and the station can send the data to KSC when it has a connection) or a way to take data from a command pod somewhere on the network and send it to another command pod(if you do this would it be possible to also make it so you can send non-command pod experiments like mystery goo). But besides that a great and challenging mod especially when also using tac life support.
  2. If possible can you add somthing that stores data (you send science to a comand station with the part then when that has a signal to the KSC it sends the data at no extra science cost) it could be made so that it can only hold one of each experiment(one report from sea one report from launch pad one report from kerbins grasslands etc.) per container. This would be usefull for if your probe never or rairly has a link to KSP but it’s command station might have a link when the probe doesn’t so you could send data to the station before you lose a link with it and it could send data back to KSP.
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