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    Curious George
  1. Quick question on a minor issue in relation to Kerbal Alarm Clock, and I apologize if this has been touched on already---a quick forum search didn't yield anything related. After dropping both the NavyFish and 000_Toolbar folders into my KSP GameData folder, I've encountered a little glitch with the Kerbal Alarm Clock icon in which the icon becomes transparent and I'm unable to move it on-screen. Not a huge deal as I'm still able to pull things up---but when I'm in flight mode the icon ends up hiding behind the warp and time indicator at the top-left corner of the screen, and I'm unable to adjust the horizontal or vertical placement of the icon in the settings. The issue only presents itself when the 000_Toolbar folder is dropped into KSP GameData---but without it, of course, the docking alignment doesn't function. Again, not a huge deal as I can work around it, but I was just curious if anyone has encountered the same problem and has found a solution. Please disregard: I just had to open up the "Unlock size and position" option by right clicking on the icon toolbar. I'll leave my post as-is so my stupidity can be an example to anyone else that might run into the same issue.
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