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Posts posted by BLUESHADOW125

  1. 15 minutes ago, lo-fi said:

    Hello, sorry for very late reply. As you may know from a few posts back, I've been suffering from a lower back injury, which has meant I've not been able to sit still for longer than about half an hour. Not conducive to coding, I'm afraid :( The good news is I've been having some great treatment, so I'm able to start picking it up again. Sorry to those of you who are patiently waiting - it's put me back many weeks. Thank you all for your patience.

    Special thanks to those who've stepped in with the fish slapping - I've been most amused :wink:

    dont worry about it, your feeling somewhat better and thats whats important :) 

  2. I'm not sure wich engine your talking about but if it's airbreathing it makes a lot of sense that near changed it's behavior. The LFO engine should keep the same thrust though. What you 'll lose in thrust you win it in lift because of the better aero model.

    it was the turbo jet engine which was originally at 225 but is now at 112.5

    EDIT: forgot to mention it has no effect on the stock engines which then makes them the most powerful and most efficient engine

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