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  1. Thanks. Wow, yeah, if that's possible, it would be great.
  2. Hello, Kerbonauts! After trying to find one that had everything together, I have made a spreadsheet for checking off what science I've done and where I've done it. It's a spreadsheet on Google Docs, and it's shared so you can make a copy to your own Google Drive or download it in a number of formats. (Just use File > Make a Copy... ; File > Download as > ...) You must make a copy or download it to edit it. Link: Get it here I'd like to give a big thanks to celem at this thread for creating his web application which gave me the idea and the basic layout. It's pretty simple to use. There's a sheet for each celestial body. At the top of each column are the different Experiments. The rows show the altitudes you can do the experiments at (Surface, Lower/Upper Atmosphere, Low/High Space), and hovering over these labels tells you the altitude ranges and science multipliers. If the cell is black, the experiment cannot be done at that altitude. If the cell is cyan, the experiment at that altitude is independent of biome. Just add a mark to that cell when you've done that experiment. If the cell is green with a number, it is per biome at that altitude. When completing a biome-specific experiment, find the biome and altitude in which you did it in the bottom section and delete it; the number in the green cell changes to show how many biomes remain. License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. DISCLAMER: Make sure to wear appropriate safety equipment when performing experiments. Experiments may explode without warning. Do not taunt experiments. Experiments are for external use only. These experiments have not been evaluated by the Kerbal Aeronautics and Space Administration. These experiments are not intended to predict, recover, or prevent any catastrophic failure. Injury or death due to improperly performed experiments are not the responsibility of SQUAD, Danny2462, or Major League Kerball, although they are hilarious.
  3. I've tried searching, and even looking in the .cfg for the part, but how many samples can each Sample Return Bin Hold?
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