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    Curious George
  1. As i said in the title, it looks backwards to me (well some aspects of the sceince research unlocks anyhoo). Wouldn't it be more cost effective and viable to make the first few unlocks, UN-manned items, ie probe componants / systems, just as it would be in real life? I mean would you send kerbals in space first and then probes when you know whats there, or probes first to see if its safe to send kerbals in future missions? Sending unmanned probes to map the Mun before sending kerbaled missions to the mun and other planets seem a much more logical approch to me. So my suggestions is, wouldnt unlocking probes (unmanned tech) first, make more sense than unlocking the unmanned tech after you have been all over the universe with manned craft? As it stands IMO unmanned tech is pretty much useless unless used as a fueling station to refuel large craft for deep space missions, and my suggestion would give us a reason to "TEST" rocket designs without loss of Kerbal life. Just think of Jeb's wife getting all them post it note's from the KSP explaining that Jeb wouldnt be coming home as they cant find all the bits!!!! Jebs kids asking where daddy is? Jebs old mum dying heart broken, cos Jebs dad couldnt understand the reasons and commiting Kerbalicide..... The Damage that could happen ot the Kerbal Space Programme is Endless unless Changes are made now!!!!!!
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