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Posts posted by federally

  1. Now there's a neat idea. Your comment about it doing barrel rolls on reentry gave me an idea. I'm thinking something along the lines of a drop-ship with wings that fold up close to the body and are deployed after reentry once it's slowed down enough. Almost Aliens drop ship style except the first half folds down and the second folds under. The way you set it up as a mobile refueling point and refinery definitely gives it a nice purpose. Guess I know what I'm doing this weekend.

    Yes it's a complete one stop shop for everything refueling!

    Also I've done the folding wings thing already on a F4U Corsair replica and it looked great in pictures, but the actual flying was not good. The IR parts have very weak nodes so I just couldn't get hinges strong enough to keep the wings from being extremely floppy.

    Node strength is also what made my Osprey a nightmare


  2. I used the script you made to add SCANsat to all of the command modules and it only half works. It causes the toolbar icons to display, but the small map button shows a blank window like you haven't scanned anything, and the big map shows the cached map but it doesn't show any of the overlays like the anomaly markers (which is kind of what I want).


  3. Flying on other bodies can be a lot of fun. I actually have turned strapping regular planes onto rockets to fly on other planets as a bit of a hobby.

    With FAR Eve is super easy to fly on. The atmosphere is more like swimming then flying lol. Your problem is no oxygen, so you need a non typical way to generate thrust. Or just do what I do and drop gliders onto it and enjoy them till the fun ends lol.

    Duna is a pain. It has an insignificant atmosphere and no oxygen. You need to design very special craft if you want to fly here. Something lightweight with tons of extra lift and an electric prop from a mod like KAX works.

    Laythe will be your new home away from home. It has oxygen and a good atmosphere, though it's thinner then Kerbin's. Generally anything that flies well on Kerbin will fly here, though it will go slower and have a lower service ceiling.

    Here is my first Corsair launched to Laythe

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    I also have this Kethane miner/refiner/refueler on Laythe servicing my fleet. Though none of these pictures are taken therethere. It was most negatively effected by the thinner atmosphere but the huge wings still work well enough!

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  4. My most unstable craft was not due to wobble. I strapped an airplane into a rocket and tried to get it to Laythe. I wrecked the thing about 50 times trying to figure out how to make it work. Wound up putting gigantic wings on it and flying it out of the atmosphere more like an SSTO then a rocket. Then I had to deal with constantly rebalancing fuel and maneuvering the terribly balanced transfer stage during the eight minute burn out of Kerbin. It was very challenging, but eventually it worked!

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  5. Well actually the weird part is they only look like that from far away. When you get close they shrink back to normal. They just pop up and shrink back down based on proximity.

    I think it may be related to the fact that they are fuselage pieces removed due to a violent crash and not fairing pieces discarded through staging.

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