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Everything posted by Macrocosmus

  1. Well if I see that correctly, that's 18 kerbals sent to Eve in 1 launch. Base points would be 17. 30 style points or something for getting to another planet and good planning and all. Thanks for being the only entry so far.
  2. I'm using this as an idea for what to do in my game, but I'm using tons of mods. Like Kethane, B9, KW, FAR, And a few others. Is that alright?
  3. The Sun counts as a SOI, so yes to that. And yes, You can do a large number of 2 Kerbal luanches to get a huge amount of points, but that's not too interesting is it? This challenge might not be too hard, but it leaves room of some neat outcomes. Like huge Eve colonies or something like that.
  4. This Challenge is as simple as it get. You need to get as many Kerbals off of Kerbin as possible. To count, all the Kerbals need to be in the same SOI. You get one point for every kerbal into space, and loss a point for every launch. You can claim extra points if you feel and can argue that your entry shows strong commitment or inventive completion. I will edit this post to show the best results of the challenge. My entry is on the way.
  5. Okay. I got an update I added a mass relay cannon and an extra asteroid. I think the lag is getting too strong. Also it got caught in orbit...
  6. http://youtu.be/xMRcd1cWpvo Here;s a nice video showing a nice ARM Kraken.
  7. I added another thing. What's my rating so far? I have a solar array, coms stuff scattered around, two hitchhiker cans in two places, a science lab, a ton of docking ports, and an observatory. Also a crash test analysis module if you want to count that. Also I have to deal with this: http://youtu.be/xMRcd1cWpvo
  8. So I put The order of photos is messed up, but it's there. 37 is one of the best views. Edit: 48 shows new progress and the damage from 35. 49 shows other progress.
  9. I'll remove my large pictures in this post. My entry is below in my imgur album
  10. http://imgur.com/kUuDk9c,2davFwS,5hAkxbc,mypV0Yd,yLm4GVN,83o1OZa,lQweygE,pCATCBM,eBnpIBT,Q1QeqVE,FZS7pqc,qwU5GPi,kDAJm4V,FUW23rn,wdxLW2r,BunGrWk,8sHStxH,HjYO7oK,nlxcvEU,Ou5BUxt,RgHI6k3,c7jGvXC,luxEad1,H2Qa8BJ,aKkLByl,DLviywz,FgqU43A,NPN4UY1,p7joEDT Here's part one of my entry. I'll get more pics once I get more stuff attached. What do you think?
  11. Hey, so you think asteroids are cool? Land one. To complete this challenge, you must land an asteroid… safely. Safely meaning slower than 20 m/s And that’s it. But then the question is where you put it and how well you do it. To have a valid entry to this challenge, you much have at least; -A picture of any launch you make, on the pad, before launch -A picture of at least one launch in progress. -A picture of an asteroid at a near vertical descent. You can post a video instead. Point system: You start off with 11 points, and lose one for ever launch you use. Where you land gives more points. -Kerbin, Eve, Gilly, or Minmus give 1 point -The Mun, Duna, Ike, or Laythe give 2 points -Moho, Bop, Pol, or Dres give 3 points -Tylo, Vall, or Eeloo give 4 points Not landing in liquid gives 1 point. Not using any autopilot gives 1 point. Not using any delta-V indicator gives 1 point. Not using Ion engines gives 1 point. Not using nuclear engines gives 1 point. Landing at less than 10m/s gives 3 points. Which size asteroid you land changes your points by multiplication. A gives a x1 multiplier. B gives x2. C gives x4. D gives x8. E gives x8. Good Luck~
  12. I have a special plan for this challenge. Just wait. I'll edit this post to show it.
  13. It's time to show off some sweet orbital skills. So the atmosphere of Kerbin ends at 69,078m. How close can you get? To complete this, you will need to complete one orbit with 5x timewarp around Kerbin, as close as you can get your orbit. Also, MechJeb is not allowed. Use Kerbal Engineer if you need delta-V and orbital data. You can either take a video of this or take a screenshot showing that the orbit is not inside the atmosphere. I'll edit this post to mention; The lightest entry The closest entry and the strangest entry Go ahead to mention extra rules for yourself and remember. Have fun!
  14. Look in the challenges. Or, if you want my idea, Make a moon base, on any moon, Or maybe all the moons!
  15. My Ships in one save were all, Alpha Alpha Alpha 1 and so forth. I think I got up to Gamma Delta Charlie 4 before I changed mods and made a new save. Now I just do things like, "Comsat Go Please 3" and "Lander Cander Mun or sometihng 2"
  16. Sounds like you need to just run it in x4 speed in the background while doing other things. Or even with KSP open twice so you can still play it.
  17. Oh, btw. I'm still designing my ship for this. Here's a test of it: http://imgur.com/a/GZB8p
  18. Hey, I guess I'm doing your challenge because it overlaps so much with a similar challenge I made. You can see it here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71800-Single-Launch-to-Everywhere%21-%28Single-Launch-Exploration-Challenge%29 I haven't completed your challenge yet, but I can show you some pictures of how much I've done so far Here: http://imgur.com/a/GZB8p Before you tell me that mechJeb is cheating, I fly all my ships myself and only use mechJeb for delta-V stats. If I need to show more to make you convinced I'm doing this properly, just tell me. Good challenge.
  19. So I had this idea. Required Things; -Only one launch -Visit SOI of all planets -Stock-only, with the exception of using a delta-V calculator to help you Difficulty increasing options This list it split up by category. Power -Use no RTGs -Use no solar panel arrays -Use no OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels or solar arrays -Use engines as the only source of power Where to go -Order (if doing this Voyager style) -Visit planets from inner to outer -Visit planets from outer to inner -Visit SOI of all moon -Return safely to Kerbin afterwards Leaving a mark -Leave a probe in orbit around all planets -Leave a probe in orbit around all moons -Land a probe on every solid -Land a probe in every biome -Leave a flag on all solid surfaces Kerbals -Launch kerbal(s) -Have the kerbol(s) visit all planets SOI -Have the kerbol(s) visit all moons SOI -Return the kerbol(s) Other part limiting options -Use no nuclear engines -Use no mainsails -Use no parachutes Leave no trace -Leave no debris anywhere -Safely land any debris at kerbol -Safely land everything at kerbol Many of these are VERY hard to achieve. So… Not sure if all are possible, but do as many as you can! I know you can’t do all of them because of how they are set up. Get massive amounts of bragging rights for yourself! Go forth kerbonauts! Oh, and some tips; -I got the main idea of an all-planets-flyby mission from Voyager, so use that for some ideas if you would like. -check out this video for an alternate approach - -There are 17 SOI, 4 bodies with atmospheres, and 11 other bodies to land on without atmospheres. Good Luck~ I know this challenge takes a while, so tell if you're trying it please.
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