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  1. Now for those sandbox players who want to make absolutely anything and everything, we're not exactly BAD at the game, but from time to time, design completely overtakes function and we end up with the coolest looking thing that flies like a milk truck with wings. I still sometimes make things that ARE very functional and do look good at the same time, but this is a thread for the hopeless creations Here's a thread to post em Here's my SR-71 cousin. Flying Starfish (Flies upside-down)
  2. Idk how heavy this is The solar panels made this an absolute chore to get into orbit
  3. It's an addiction, you should probably know when to stop yourself if you're clipping wings inside wings or engines inside engines though. As long as I can make something that looks nice, I'm alright.
  4. Made a stock bomber, I love it (even though it was yesterday) Features an opening payload bay 15 Bombs And sleek form factor
  5. But that's the reason I use it, mainly to make it look nice. I can put empty fuselage parts on my jets as well as tail connectors to curve out the shape, otherwise my stock non-clipped jets come out all blocky.
  6. Here's a stock bomber I made yesterday (only parts that aren't stock are cameras)
  7. Some say it's cheating (It technically is), but still maintain that parts are stock, no matter how much times someone may have clipped an engine or two to produce twice the amount of power in the same form factor, and for some, it simply makes parts look great. And now I can't play without it. I didn't do anything spectacular with the parts in order to give it more power, if anything made it heaver. The clipping tanks at the back are just fuselage parts with no fuel, and I have no hidden wings or anything. I only used clipping to make it look nice, however, I have been guilty of sticking extra invisible wings to generate more lift on some other planes. So what's your opinion on parts clipping? Do you use it? Do you use it for power, or aesthetics?
  8. I've got a few, but no screenshots. I gotta make more now, though.
  9. DT-64 "Colossus" Because I despise Rendezvous and docking, but I looooove solar panels.
  10. Why not just save it and delete it if it doesn't work? Also, why not just edit the design until something works instead of starting over?
  11. So just to clarify, I need parts mod for this? Dang, I always liked how B9 looked, but I'm afraid I'm a stock hog. I just want to replace the vanilla textures ;~;
  12. Download link added, enjoy your brand-new Raptor M100 SSUV
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