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Posts posted by FocalDistance

  1. Just to let people know I have started work on my own tech tree for RO. It is intended for my own personal use and the way I want to play KSP but I am happy to make it available for public use once it is functional if people want to use it. It is intended to be a much more realistic approach than vanilla whilst still relying on the stock science approach (rather than the custom experiments of RTL).

    I have a lot of mods installed (50 to be precise) and this results in a lot of clutter in the VAB. To address this not every part will be present in the tree. I like procedural parts and they make a lot of other parts obsolete, additionally when different mods add very similar parts I am not going to use all of them so I will make no guarantees about this working for people with different configurations.

  2. I just did a full install (all mods from the list here and on RO) and found that at the starting tech level, having taken all the 0 science options I had no command pods available, either manned or unmanned which made it impossible for me to be able to do anything. I modded the M38 from AIES into the start node so that I could advance but I assume I missed something / there is something missing from the start nodes.

  3. I had sent up 4 satellites with the remote tech two mod installed. Everything was going great until I decided to view one of them to de-orbit the attached booster stage. It glitched itself and duplicated itself inside itself. So if anyone has seen the movie Gravity where all the debris was coming at them that was what the aftermath looked like. It then crashed the game. Come to find out through testing that it was remote tech that caused it.

    I've encountered this bug as well, assuming you still have a save from before it is fixable however. Go to the space centre and there will be multiple copies of the satellite in the list of active missions - for some reason they have cloned insided each other. Delete all but the last in the list and you should now be able to use the satellite as normal.

  4. Most likely a memory issue, try killing processes you arent using and removing parts from mods that you dont want. I get the same screen and it does load slowly, but then again I probably shouldn't be running 20+ mods on a 4 year old laptop that sounds like the Kraken whenever I open a browser.

  5. I have a somewhat overpowered 3 stage rocket for the stage of career I'm at with about 10k dv having not yet even attempted a Mun landing. Returning today from a manned Minmus fly by for science I still had 2k dv remaining and tried to see if I could reverse my orbital direction. I aerobraked without burning until suborbital and then burnt everything I had left retrograde. I didn't quite get the reversal but was down to a surface speed of about 80 m/s at 35km.

    I have used this craft at least a dozen times, my normal procedure is to retroburn everything left in the tank, detach the engines for landing and let the difference in drag separate us. Without thinking I tried to do the same this time, turned prograde (not sure why) and released the tank. Which then preceded to follow me down. Desperately trying to do anything to get out the way I was pitching in circles trying to get some separation, I eventually had to fire the parachutes with the tank about 200m above jebs head. The instant they were deployed the tank shot past me taking one of my landing struts with it and putting me into a spin which was fortunately easily recoverable. I was too focussed on dodging to get any pictures.

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