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Sion Sheevok

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  1. I too have the issue. I'm not available at the time, but I can see about some logs and what else might be at play later today.
  2. Ah, I see. I'll have to cross-reference the save file, the part file, and the science definitions file. Thanks!
  3. Task: I'm making an external application that edits a save file and fills a specified vessel's science experiments/containers with science data. IE: Land a rover with various science experiments on Minmus, save, close, run my application, select my save file, specify my rover, and select all science experiments on the rover and select all biomes on Minmus, apply, close, run KSP, load, "fly" the rover, and I should have all selected experiments with science data for all selected biomes of Minmus. Issue: Based on the "PART" and "MODULE" data on a "VESSEL", I can't identify the associated "EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION" in ScienceDefs.cfg. I can do this only if a "MODULE" with a "name" of "ModuleScienceExperiment" already has "ScienceData", in which case I can parse the "subjectID" field and compare part of it to the "id" of an "EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION". This is less than ideal, however. Relevant Excerpts: ScienceDefs.cfg: EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION { id = temperatureScan title = Temperature Scan } persistent.sfs with a launched vessel equipped with a thermometer containing science data: PART { name = sensorThermometer rTrf = sensorThermometer MODULE { name = ModuleScienceExperiment ScienceData { subjectID = temperatureScan@KerbinSrfLandedLaunchPad title = Temperature Scan from LaunchPad } } }
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