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Admiral Martin Vicktor

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Everything posted by Admiral Martin Vicktor

  1. nope I just forgot my password for my old account and I wanted to start again so I'm going to find one of the admins and see if he/her can get rid off they old one and shut down the original UKSD page off mine does any one know how log you have to wait before you can add an avatar?
  2. hi I'm Admiral Martin Vicktor I have been on here before under a different name General Will Ranger/will ranger it has been a very long time since I was on the forums or as a matter of fact playing ksp but I have decided to come back and play KSP, so I'm back and ready to start again. I will be bringing back the UKSD and it will be better then before! (ya ya ya ya ya ya ya . so yea I'm back and ready to fly, fall and crash every ship I have
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