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Everything posted by a-rod48

  1. Today I captured my first asteroid. It was a size B. That was the uneventful part. The FUN part was when my four drogue chutes deployed (at 5000 feet) the thing tore to pieces. The arm stayed in the asteroid, the engines went flying, and my pod was left to plummet to it's doom. I did what every brave kerbal does, ABANDON SHIP! I pointed the pod downward, eva'd both Bill and Jeb at 3200 feet, they miraculously survived due to a healthy dose of landing on your head. The best part was, i had 8 radial chutes attached to the arm, so the asteroid landed safely too!
  2. I would say kerbin needs rings.
  3. So I started a new campaign, and to get some quick science it put my ship in the water. After I observed my goo containers, I just was bored and starting rotating in the water. For some reason, every time the goo hit the water, a note would play. It sounded like a metal xylophone, and the rotation speed seemed to have something to do with the pitch. Someone tell me I am not going crazy here. Build yourself a little ship to get you to the shore with some goo containers, and start spinning. Maybe it is just my sound glitching up, I don't know. But it seems like too nice of a sound to be a glitch.
  4. Oh God I had a hard time today. So I had to send my new Mun base up in pieces, and since this was a land-based refueling station i needed a large tank for fuel storage. Problem was, i designed the station with the large docking port on top.... Since i already had it landed i had to land the tank ON TOP OF THE BASE! First i tried a straight on landing, couldn't do it. then i went to landing nearby and RCS-ing it on top. Took me about 30 tries, with my funky controls, low on RCS and the fact that the docking port liked to pop off at every opportunity. Glad i got that over with.... Base came out well, has 4 fuel transfer rovers so i just land things, drive up and refuel and take back off, Transferring around Kerbin, then the Mun again. No need to worry about refueling in orbit.
  5. Thank you. I will try to avoid that in future designs. (Of course now I am stuck with a half finished mun base.) I apologize for not knowing where to look for this information, I am relatively new to this.
  6. I have a Mun base I need to get back into orbit for various reasons. It has an X shape to it, with a command pod in the middle, and four fuel tanks/engines/docking ports attached radially to the outside using I-beams. The tanks are the FL-T400 tanks, then below that is an inline clamp-o-tron, below that a lv-909 engine (on top i have a medium sized RCS tank, but I don't think that matters). I have fuel lines attaching the fuel tanks diagonally to two engines (the one to it's left and the one to it's right.) Now that I have that explained, here is my problem. It takes off and about 6 seconds into flight I can't control it because each engine is using an uneven amount of fuel. I never had this problem when i was landing it. All of the engines are at 100 power and all of the fuel tanks are completely full. If you look at it from the top, the engines on the top-right and bottom-right use fuel twice as fast as the ones on the left.
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