Wholphine Hybrid http://www./view/uzds56trb347tv6/Wholfine_Hybrid.craft During (forced) medical leave, Jebediah took an outing to the Kerbal Seaworld for some much needed R&R. After being forcibly removed for undisclosed circumstances, he returned to KSP and designed The Wholphin. A medium SSTO craft that looks nothing like a Dolphin or an Orca (Killer Whale), but is both dashing and daring (just like it's designer). - 59 parts - 20 t fully fueled - crew: 1 Kerbal - takeoff speed 60-100 m/s - 1000m sustained speed 120 m/s - 2 R.A.P.I.E.R engines - 6 intakes for you air lovers - rear (easy access) docking port + docking light - RCS system (monopropellant 80 units) - 2 reaction wheels Action groups: 1 - toggle R.A.P.I.E.R engines 2 - toggle R.A.P.I.E.R engines mode 3 - toggle docking light 4 - toggle air intakes 6 - toggle ladder 0 - undock Ascent profile for space travel: - 35-45 degrees 15,000 m - 15-20 degrees 20,000 -24,000 m - 5 degrees and accelerate up to 1400-1600m/sec - will switch at 28,000 m pitch up to 45-50 degrees burn until apoapsis is above 70,000 - coast to apoapsis - circularization burn He also released this motion picture.