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Posts posted by rocket2guns

  1. Just FYI, I'm back in NZ and I've found the original source files on my old computer. I've sent the unity files to Cepheus and the source files are available to him. If he is still around and interested I'll give him first crack at a big update - otherwise I can send them to someone else. I have the 3ds and PSD source also, but they're huge files so bit hard for me to send at the moment.

  2. Cepheus, rocket2guns would be proud. Just flew your shuttle, a work of art. Launch was smooth. The model, impressive, the aerodynamics, perfect. I can now archive mt 2.0 version, and proudly fly yours. Thank you for creating this wonderful model.

    Indeed, what a fantastic job! Well done! Wish I'd had the time to help out but clearly, you did not need it!

  3. I recommend the game whenever I get a chance :)

    I introduced quite a few developers to KSP, I can say with authority several have emailed me back to say production at said companies has slowed considerably!

    I'm very excited about 0.17!!

  4. Updated to v0.2.1

    Download from ZIP or RAR 7.54mb

    Please provide handling feedback and any associated CFG suggestions.

    New to this version:

    • [li]NEW: Advanced SAS values altered in line with other packs[/li]
      [li]NEW: Mass Distribution Change (all in the engine mount) to improve stability[/li]
      [li]NEW: Origins for wings altered to improve stability[/li]


    - You will need to reposition wings and control surfaces when reloading a saved shuttle

    - Place your RCS mount on the engine mount for maximum effectiveness. Two should be just fine.

  5. Oh PLEASE tell me that the engine mount on it has the attachment node sunken into it, with appropriate collision model, so we can put the engine *inside* the fairing, like on the real one!

    No problem, good idea!

    (And maybe a 1m-to-2x0.5m adapter so we can use the mini-LFEs to represent the XLR11s from the early tests, before the XLR99 was ready!)

    Sure, easy enough.

    Please bear in mind though, that you\'re better off with C7\'s pack as that integrates much better with the game physics. This will just look good and be a bit of fun. Quite hard to control, like the shuttle.

  6. I still can\'t get it to fly straight

    - Make sure you are using an engine with vectored thrust available

    - Use 'T' ASAS without the enabling RCS for the launch and you should lift off just fine.

    - If you\'re attaching large SRB\'s to the fuel tank, you will need to compensate with the shuttle engines. I set mine to between 70% to 90% depending on the rocket thrust.

    Are you planning to make your own SRB\'s?

    - Yes, I\'ve made the shuttle ones. I\'m making Buran style ones now.

    - Little distracted by the mun however!

    On a side note, I\'ve also nearly finished an X15 in the same vein. Basically cut up into parts and a 'just for fun' pretty project.

  7. Updated to v0.2

    Download from ZIP or RAR 7.54mb


    New to this version:

    • [li]NEW: Rudder part, includes tail and animated rudder[/li]
      [li]NEW: Fuselage part, Split out from old fuselage. Currently functions as a fuel tank[/li]
      [li]NEW: Engine Mount part, Split out from old fuselage. Currently functions as an ASAS and as mount for 3 1m Engines[/li]
      [li]NEW: Many small balances of values to achieve a more playable craft[/li]
      [li]FIXED: Crew Cabin now functions as a Command Module[/li]
      [li]FIXED: Wings breaking off too easily[/li]
      [li]FIXED: Tail/Rudder causing fuselage to twist[/li]
      [li]FIXED: Incorrect mass distribution[/li]
      [li]FIXED: Mesh anomalies, optimized some mesh[/li]

  8. Have you downloaded the v0.1.1 version (rather than v0.1)?

    If you are still having problems, try using the red stands to hold the shuttle in place. What nothing is intersecting with the fuselage, or the engines. If you use engines that are too big, they will hit the body flap (big chunk below the engine mount), and fall off. Experiment with different engines. I might remove the body flap geometry to stop this happening in a future release.

    Let me know how you get on.

  9. I\'ll take a look, thanks for the tips!

    On a side note, it turns out v0.1 was packaged from my external HD, so its a little out of date! v0.1 has the optimized meshes, the external fuel tank, and the 'better' cfg file. v0.1.1 is the current upload links.

    I have also included a zipped download for those having trouble with RAR files.

  10. Aaahhh this makes sense. Perhaps what I need to do is have the RIGHT control surface with negative lift? with the left wing generating positive lift? They are attached as normal stackable objects at the moment.

    I decided to release it as it is now, and then wait for the next version (gimballing etc...) as I thought that might fix many of the problems. Any suggestions for config changes are most welcome, I\'m still a bit confused as to how I should be setting up the control surfaces.

    Currently the tail is acting as a winglet only, with massive lift and no drag. Should I change that to a control surface? I was going to have a winglet/controlsurface combo (like the wings) but hadn\'t gotten around to that yet. Any thoughts on how this should be configured?

    I\'m also breaking out the engine block from the fuselage, as a separate object.

    Finally, any thoughts as to how much RCS fuel should be made available?

    I\'ve already modelled the interior, canada arm, landing gear, ku-band antenna etc... so can\'t wait for animations to be added as it will be easy for me to enable this.

  11. Hi guys, thanks for the bug feedback. The SRB wasn\'t supposed to be in just yet, must have forgotten to remove it as I hadn\'t finished tweaking it yet.

    I am a member of the SSU project, and had been working on a project for ArmA2 creating a space shuttle for the last two years - using the SSU texture on a brand new mesh. Someone showed me KSP the other day and I fell in love and worked on cutting the mesh up, rebaking the textures, to fit. So really just a case of serendipity that I had something ready to go at the right time.

    In terms of poly count, it might push mobile device poly limits but for PC it\'s not going to cause any issues as the whole thing is much less than 20k.

    It is rather prone to falling apart. Initially, the project was intended to be very serious. But, as I was developing/testing/refining - I found myself (and my workmates) laughing silly at the horrendous catastrophes that unfolded. So I\'ve left the strength of items rather low. They can always be reinforced with struts anyway.

    The External Fuel Tank is a decoupler. I experimented with radial decoupler but I have the orientations a bit mixed up, will look at that again if/when liquid fuel tanks can be placed out of stacks successfully.

    I\'ve been working on additional parts, they will be released soon. This allows you to mix and match, they\'re different shapes (some taken from the Buran) so that you can create your own shuttle variants.

  12. KCSS_1.jpg

    Updated to v0.2.1


    Jeb and the boys got their hands on a shuttle, but we couldn\'t get it in the back of the truck so we figured we\'d cut it up and reassemble it on the pad. Here\'s the result. We forgot to collect much of the equipment we need for the return to earth, but nevermind, Jeb will figure that out when he is up there. Remember - the solution to any problem is to add more boosters! Oh, and it may have a little bit of a tendency to

    on the launch pad. And on ascent. And in Orbit. And on Re-entry.

    Part Outline



    • [li]
    (Warning: Kerbans were harmed in the making of this film!)[/li]


    • [li]Separate parts for each shuttle component[/li]
      [li]High quality baked textures[/li]
      [li]Future proofed for animations[/li]

    Known Issues

    • [li]Unrealistic quantity of liquid fuel available (currently present to facilitate testing)[/li]
      [li]External Tank non-functional due to liquid fuel engines requiring direct member of stack[/li]


    • [li]USEC[/li]
      [li]Space Shuttle Ultra Project[/li]


    • [li]Free and open for any use! Do whatever you like with it this is an open source project.[/li]


    [list type=decimal]

    [li]Download from ZIP or RAR 7.54mb[/li]

    [li]Extract to 'Parts' folder[/li]

    [li]Place parts from 'Utility & Scientific' category[/li]

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