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Lord Orion

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Everything posted by Lord Orion

  1. Dead as it may be i still have two of redux ZIP files in my Archive. I sadly do not have the KW verson. Squad https://www.dropbox.com/s/3xmx2gkqok2f0xc/uploads_2013_10_Squad-Texture-Pack-0.1c.zip B9 Aerospace https://www.dropbox.com/s/gtxhwro7vtzep2p/uploads_2013_10_B9-Aerospace-Pack-R4-0c.zip
  2. Look up UbioZur Welding mod alows u to simplify things like fuel tanks and wings. Id link it if I was not on my mobile. Best possible fix tho, the game engine alowing use of all cores of a processor for calculations. I know not every one has a computational beast of a computer but still 4 cores is becoming common.
  3. All great immersive ideas, these would make great mods. But the base game needs little of the content to be playable in an endstate kerbal (v1.0). Honestly good stuff tho.
  4. I second that! But I honestly hope they keep all parts to show advancement in engineering.
  5. Waiting animations could be quite fun. I hope they add it but only as an endstate.
  6. Lazarus has a point here accomplishment should equal budgets! But the ever expanding budget makes for little realism and feels just to simple of a balance. Make the budget based on a simulated Public option like NASA today. Get a kerbin into orbit take a publicity photo get more budget. Use the achievements like those found in the mod of the same title to spike interest in your space program. Commit to a achievement or program (like Apollo, or Constellation) On the flip losing space craft or worse kerbals can dent budgets even ground projects/programs. Random events of space races, rescue, missions, challenges, war (not in space) or outreach campaigns to educate and stimulate interest http://mobile.geek.com/latest/252570-kerbal-space-program-gets-a-nasa-backed-asteroid-wranging-expansion would be incredibly immersive.
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