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Everything posted by rjames93

  1. This is my first post in The Spacecraft Exchange. I hope you like it. Firstly if you are wondering about the name check this out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vostok_(rocket_family) The .craft file can be found at: http://rjames93.sucs.org/projects/ksp/vostuck/Vostuk1.craft I\'ve yet to gather any screenshots of this at different stages. I have a few here: http://rjames93.sucs.org/projects/ksp/vostuck/screenshots/ I\'m in the process of making a presentable website so all you\'ll get is a list of the screenshot files. You\'ll need MechJeb but it is flyable without it, you just need alot of patience and to keep Caps-Lock on
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