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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I've been trying to re-model the truss of the ISS Comunity project. However, I don't have any experience with modelling, and I have a problem. I was able to convert a NASA model to a format Unity supports. The colored parts were colored by material and I was able to "bake" a texture map of it using Blender. I followed all the steps from this tutorial, but when I exported the model and tried it in KSP, the texture did not load. It just was a white model. I tried it again using the standard cube that appears when you load Blender and I assigned a texture to the material just like the material. Again, the texture did not load in KSP. Unity did export a .mbm file, which I named model.mbm and I also tried "texture = model.mbm" in the cfg file.
  2. I think this is indeed a bug. Maybe Dragon01 will know more about this. I have: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aofgk1kymt3p28x/Buran.craft?dl=0 About the Truss remodelling: I keep having problems with adding the texture, it just won't load. The model itself is working. Does anyone know how to get the texture loaded?
  3. Then I'll try to seperate them In the VAB, right-click the control surface and disable yaw. You can also turn on Caps Lock for making small adjustments.
  4. High-poly is no problem with the truss. The problem is are the two beam pointed with the arrow in the image. It would stick out any fairing. By the way, I've never seen that beams before and nobody would be complaining if it was removed.
  5. I managed to get the NASA model of S0 Truss in Unity. I think that means it would be possible to get it in game too (like my previous post, I have no experience with this). I did not try further, because I wanted to remove some parts that I see as unnecessary. I don't have this skill yet, and if I am going to develop more parts, I want to be able to use that skill.
  6. I don't see why the truss would cause problems with the high-res poly, they are mainly rectangles and hexagons. I'm going to give it a try and see where it goes (I absolutely don't have any experience with modelling).
  7. Dragon01, NASA has a lot of 3d models on it's site. One of them is a model of the ISS. Maybe you can update the ISS truss from these models. http://nasa3d.arc.nasa.gov/detail/iss-hi-res
  8. That video of the particle accelerator is very funny! There was also a huge model (lego size huge) of the Hubble, which got enough votes, but I'm afraid the Shuttle complex won't get enough votes.
  9. I came across this project a few days ago... It's really awesome! I would love to have this complex standing in my room, I already have the Shuttle set, and the complex would be an enormous addition. However, the set is not getting enough votes. I ask you all to vote, maybe some of you would buy it if it comes available. This is the link:https://ideas.lego.com/projects/31201 Thanks in advance!
  10. I'm having trouble docking a Mir Dock Probe (Zarya) to a PMA Adapter(PMA1) They just won't dock using MechJeb or manually. Has anyone a solution?
  11. Just a few notices: Zarya does have solar panels. They are folded so the S1/P1 Truss could deploy. -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:STS-128_EVA2_Russian_Orbital_Segment.jpg Maybe you could make these solar panels, extendable and retractable. Also a notice about what I've seen in Yogui's video: I saw that the solar panels of Poisk are both facing a different direction, but they should, just like a Soyuz and a Progress, face the same direction. --- Keep up the good work make this an awesome mod! Thumbs up!
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