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Everything posted by thegamingscientist

  1. With the recent addition of Ore mining in KSP 1.0 long missions have gotten a whole lot easier! But I think that just refuelling isn't fun enough. I am suggesting that they should add the ability to sell ore in career mode for a little bit of extra cash. Imagine having a massive Mün base deticated to mining and have transportation landers that bring tonnes of ore to Kerbin in a blaze of glory only to sell it so you can do it all over again and even more! You could pretend you are some massive trillion dollar ore mining company. Wouldn't it be fun and usefull?
  2. There is a toilet in the destroyed Astronaut Complex. And an NES Controller in the background when you click on the complex.
  3. My Minmus Origin Pudding* Mining Base!!! (*Kethane) WARNING: Not complete
  4. Hey man! Cheer up!!! Whatever happened to "The Whack Is Back!" Go play golf with a E-class into a Mohole! Seriously, you are The Whackjob himself! XD
  5. Great video! I liked it… one flaw though is that I'm pretty sure Yuri didnt land in his pod he ejected before he landed. Other than that its great!
  6. I once made a thread like this only it wasn't a challenge. feel free to add my glitches to the wall of fame if you want. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/72827-I-think-I-broke-KSP
  7. If this works.... My life will be complete lol
  8. Great at making mission reports :P

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  9. He started his interstellar series with .22 then later updated to .23 It may take him a while to update to .23.5 though.
  10. The science lab is used for processing the science from the lander. It is also used for making the lander reusable by cleaning the experiments. Sorry if i said something wrong idk much about it myself
  11. I support all of the above! I think it is a great suggestion! More .625 parts will extremely help with survey probes around the kerbol system.
  12. Good job giggle. Now you got me into the ssto mood again
  13. Magic. Tv, tablets, and a iPhone or a computer?
  14. FINALLY achieved a capture by Duna after tweaking a manuaver node for so long. And then i noticed one of my two radial nuclear engines fell off with the last decoupler… And yet this was literally the third try D;
  15. Jool: This giant *** ball of gas is where all the dare devils go to aerobrake. How deep can you go!
  16. Thanks I will check it out! I was trying to mimic the photo. But i understand that the Orion is not the best. EDIT: Updated with SDHI Service Module System! Thanks Razorcane
  17. I have created the Exploration Gateway Platform in KSP! The EGP may be a refueling outpost station built on the ISS then shipped out to the Lunar L2. The components are supposed to be launched by NASA's SLS (Space Launch System) and is going to be a Lunar science lab (with landers) and a refueling outpost (gateway) for future manned missions to Near Earth Asteroids and Mars. Read more here -> Exploration Gateway Platform Mods - KW Rocketry - Lion Aerospace Inc. Circular Solar Panels - SDHI Service Module System - Part Clipping In Real Life Photo - KSP Photo - BTW if this is the wrong Forum Section please tell me! Or if your a forum mod move it for me please!
  18. Bugs and glitches as in many random copies of the same satellite that spontaneously explodes... have you watched Interstellar Quest by Scott Manley? He had to uninstall RT2 too.
  19. I personally LOVE remote tech it adds a lot of fun into ksp! But i had to uninstall it due to so many issues and glitches. :/
  20. If you have RemoteTech2 go into the GameData and take out everything out of the RemoteTech2 folder except for the parts folder and wait until they fix RemoteTech If you look into the tracking station and see many copies of the same ship delete them all but one. Its happened to me many times and is very annoying.
  21. Hey, I recently downloaded KMP! I wanna check it out but I need some good KMP servers. Im looking for something small, not to much lag. I know KMP is glitchy though. All the ones I've seen has too much ships and craziness. Thanks
  22. Kethane adds a great big purpose of a mun or minmus base!
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