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  1. I posted this in its own thread, but it's relevant to the reply I made earlier. Here's how I imagine procedural tanks would work:
  2. The procedural wings are a huge step forward for KSP, and procedural radiators/solar panels have also been teased during the dev updates. At this point, I think procedural fuel tanks make a lot of sense and would be an easy way to reduce part counts. I also really like the new hydrogen tank style and think that other fuel types should be available for them.
  3. Tanks should also have two versions: "covered" like the normal tanks used on launch vehicles, and "in-space" tanks like the new hydrogen tanks in KSP 2. This could also be swappable with a toggle instead of completely different parts.
  4. Hello, I don't have an answer but I do have a question related to wing construction. I haven't bought KSP 2 yet and am curious. Are we able to adjust the size of control surfaces? (Not the all-moving ones, the integrated flaps in wings.) I've seen many posts of planes with comically large ailerons.
  5. I'm excited for all the new truss parts! It's a small thing but they look really sweet.
  6. It depends on what you want in a phone. The latest Galaxy tends to have more features than the latest iPhone, but they are often less polished and more buggy. Many people simply don't care about having the latest and greatest features and want something reliable and sleek. To me personally, an iPhones feels more sturdy in my hand than most androids. If you can foot the bill, iPhones aren't bad at all. iOS is also much more secure than Android which is important to many people. I use an iPhone because I feel it's higher-quality and iOS is much cleaner than Android. iMessage in particular is great. Try to set up a group chat with androids and iPhones, and I'll guarantee you'll get a complaint about "green bubbles." That being said, I think Apple charges too much for iPhones and isn't the most ethical in their business practices. As a side note, you seem to have an unnecessary chip on your shoulder against Apple (or any non-Samsung), @dundun93. Everyone can get along and buy whatever phone they want.
  7. Occasionally I take photos; these were a couple weeks ago. I love photographing birds but hummingbirds are the only ones not too scared to get close to me
  8. The instruction manual is available online :) I got mine today, I probably can't build it until Monday but I'm super duper pumped!
  9. Can't be reported dead if no one finds the body
  10. Yes, the crewed ITS will need to be visited 3-5 times to fully fuel it. Elon has said that he wants the ITS booster to be ready to fly within an hour of landing, so presumably you could launch the crewed ITS and several tankers all on the same booster within a day. Initially, of course, they will not likely have one hour turnaround, so the fueling process might take place over a month(s).
  11. Not all heroes wear capes, and not all people in capes are heroes. Saw it in a Reddit thread a while back.
  12. Another possible explanation is that they hooked up the stolen shuttle into the Empires's communication network, but they needed the shield down to transmit directly to the rebel ships without going through the Empire. The "destroy the shield" message was quick enough that it got through in all the chaos before the Empire could block it, but the plans took much longer to transmit and could have been blocked had they gone through the Empire's network.
  13. bonus points if you make your drawings to scale with one another
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