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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. (I'll assume you've done the standart procedure of doing a clean install and then add BD Armory, wich should work.) This sounds like either a mod conflict, best tip I can give is to have a install with only BDA (doesn't have to be your main install) and try out adding one mod after another until you find the one with the conflict (assuming the other mods are compatible). Otherwise I can only suggest re-downloading BDA, sometimes thats the problem, or try out downloading it from somewhere else
  2. After trying out your Mk22 Cockpits, are there plans to make Radars/Laser Designators either part of the/a cockpit(e.g. a seperate screen for the copilot), or to make them work with RPM (RasterPropMonitor)? Not an expert with mods, but if its possible to switch a screen between RPM-Mode and Radar-Mode, it might save you the work of combining the two directly
  3. I've recently made a "Droptank" that is supposed to be dropped from a Cargo Plane. However, I have two questions: First, it seems to be incapable to drive straight forward. It should be able to (see pictures), but even with SAS it turns (often to the left, sometimes to the right) Second, is there a known mod conflict between Lack Luster Labs, or is it just my install being derpy? Because it is not possible for me to select the Fuel Tanks and change their contents, and in their "default" state can't carry anything. I do have 2 other Mods (Adjustable Landing Gear and Quiztech Aeroparts), but the issue only exists when I have BD-Armory installed, regardless of the other mods. Pictures
  4. yeah me too... its 10pm in germany right now and I should go to bed (school starts tomorrow) but damnit I just can't wait for the Update!
  5. Gee, this is gonna be emberassing... Ok, tried it again with a clean save, B9 BD Armory and ATM. Apparently it works, I just missed a patch and was still on 24.1, not 24.2. I will try adding more mods, and check if somethign there doesnt work with one of the other mods.
  6. hmm, Active Texture Management? Dunno if it will help, as I didn't have RAM issues, but if it worked for you, I will try only B9 and BDArmory, without all the other mods I have (maybe its B9, as it is my newest addition, but with another mod)
  7. Will 0.5.2 be compatible with the new B9? Im getting issues, wich is sad (Huge B9 Hyperion with Weapons planned)
  8. Finally, after a month long holiday from trying to make a ME Mako (.50 cal turret not going on the Abrams turret), Jeb is back! And with him, he has brought the Blueprints for the FLYING BOMBER TANK!!! ...what? Jup thats right, he has made an Airplane armed with Bombs, that can eject said wings and continue as a Tank! (Jeb may have not recovered fully...) (The body and the cocpit are from LLL) About the Design: I started with the Idea of a Tank that flies in somewhere and the becomes a Tank, as both other options (Rocket and Driving) are either too slow, unprecise or too much work. As you can see (if i've got the image thing right, first time), as a plane it needs decent speeds to lift off, so the "normal" wheels were neccessairy, leaving with the problem of how to move once landed. This leaved me with the option of either having slightly retracted Rover wheels or using the low altitude jetfuel engines. However, since landings can be rough, i needed the sturdy wheels till touchdown, meaning more Debris and a slight drop if cut off then (possible wheel explosion). Using the fast Jet engines AND having to land upright meaned I needed a wider base, wich lead to the structural beams. The wings themselves are fairly simple: every wing is connected to the decoupler, and upon firing the stage seperatrons eject the wing upwards and outwards, while parachutes on the top side of the craft (landing upright) deploy. (Btw, you might wanna cut off the engine a bit earlier , or it will make a looping). The Weaponry ist just a Abrams turret slapped ontop of the thing, and the Bombs are somewhat counterweight, and allow for a fly-by-bombing before you land. Thats it, tell me what you think about it, I might upload the craft file if there are multiple requests. EDIT: forgot to mention that you need to take off by going full speeds to the end of the runway, and lift the nose CAREFULLY, otherwise the flappy wings become unstable. Also it is not very manouverable (It's a tank, duhh). Weaponry can be exchanged freely, just make sure you balance it out. EDIT: Thanks to JewelShisen for helping to get the Images right. Should be working now
  9. Hey, regarding the Video, what is the "Hitman" Music called in particular? I've tried to find the Music, but no success so far...
  10. Man, the new Update is AWESOME! Time to build myself a good old Mako (probably with the LLL 2x1 Parts). And btw, in regards to the 0.3.x Video: Reaper with googly eyes!
  11. Can't help with modding, but i think i can help with the whole "hovering base" design: basically my design is a ring around the core (if Jool's core is small enough, never been at the core), so basically with it being pulled to the center, but the structure Holding it as a ring. Since the forces nullify eachother, it should (in theory, if the ring is strong enough) only require carefull Placement, and you will never need to use fuel (to Keep you off of ist core) again. (Sry for bad english, my german PC tries to auto-correct them to german, even though i have auto-correct disabled.)
  12. Please don't be a dead Thread. btw, still getting this wierd "oh, you're 1km out of the KSC? Let me take away all your control and pin your camera to one fixed point"-bug whenever I got guns on my Ship (Rockets still fine though. And YES, ist the right Version for my KSP version, and yes, even though it has nothing to do with it, I have remapped the Key )
  13. I don't know if you have this bug, but: Whenever i fly something with one of your Guns, after it is, idk, 5km or so from the Hanger, I: -lose all control (sometimes i can control thruttle though) -lose camera control (it just instantly stops, doesnt move anymore, while the object continiues flying) -notice my camera shaking -see my object shaking, eventually hitting the ground this ALWAYS happens IF I have one of your Guns. I have Reinstalled it, restarted every Thing, but it doesn't work. Additionally, if I put on the Rocket, but don't put on a Guns, it flys just fine "forever" (fuel), and the Rocketss work, unlike the Guns (yes, I have remapped the Key)
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