Hello All, Thanks for all the hard work on this bug. I've followed the advice here but am still having the issue if button lockout in certain buildings + cannot select VAB from space centre. If I've understood the issue in this thread it is similar, in that entering the reasearch centre for example, on trying to exit, the contract notification window obstructs the buttons AND the main menu buttons (exit to main menu for instance) no longer function. I've installed the mod fix for this. I've looked through my persistent file and have found only the 5 kerbals I employ, plus the applicants (only found in the roster section) In addition, I have looked through the contracts and completed contracts sections and found contracts for which I have no part listed in those parts available to me currently in the career, and deleted those contracts. I've done my best to examine others problems on this thread, and search for other solutions/bugs that I might be experiencing, but I have no luck finding a solution thus far. Could I borrow a set of eyes or two to examine my persistent file? (Too big for pastebin, hopefully drop box works) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6o9ddngl6kh29ni/AADoY8w9R_4kw6J7ZtvJuHwPa?dl=0 Aozzzy