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Everything posted by Rango

  1. Well, my opinion, for what its worth... KW Rocketry is a must imo Extraplanetary Launchpads and KAS might be a bit buggy for a server B9 might be too much hassle in .23 Procedural Fairings ... not a fan myself, but thats pretty subjective Kerbal Engineer and MJ, I think one or the other personally, just not both. Protractor would be nice, deadly re-entry might be another thing to consider. Though you may just want to wait for .24, thats kind of what I'm waiting for right now.
  2. I have my keys rebound all different from stock, and for some reason I can't seem to use the docking controls while in staging mode so I'm forced to use docking mode. I don't like it, since I use separate keys for translation anyway, but either way its a case of been there done that so nowadays I just pack plenty of RCS fuel and let MJ deal with the tedium.
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