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Everything posted by bartomanboy

  1. Seems to be doing fine, if you don't use the new parts It seems like the new parts aren't supported yet, not all commands work with them.
  2. Thanks guys, you're great! This really needs to be added to the documentation though. You can check here that this abbreviation is shown nowhere: http://ksp-kos.github.io/KOS_DOC/structure/orbit/ Unless I'm missing some website with key information.
  3. Thanks for your reply! A bit dumb of me not to see that. I tried your approach for the semimajoraxis, but it didn't work, sadly enough. It keeps throwing errors. ( I use the Kerbal Space Port version 0.11.something ) If anyone knows a workaround for this, please let me know, or soon I'll have to calculate it manually.
  4. Is it me or is there no exponential function defined yet? (e^x) I tried to calculate burn times for a certain deltav using a formula that needs this. Also, I'm having some problems using the term "semimajoraxis" in my scripts. The documentation states that it's a part of the orbit structure, but I haven't found a way yet to acces it. It gives this error: Unrecognized term 'SEMIMAJORAXIS', Type:FINAL Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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