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  1. Im not sure I get what you mean. do you mean I cant build new stuff from my space stations for missions if the space station was already built before I accepted the mission? Heres a screenshot of a probe i built in space. the careers list inst showing it as counting towards the mission .steam link
  2. I am loving this so much! slight problem with my career plans tho. I believe in an older version you could produce bases/probes/anything in orbit and then use them to complete missions to get some quick cash jobs. But right now the little check mark basically telling you that you built a functioning craft for the said mission wont light up unless the craft is launched from the space center. Any way this could be altered so we could take advantaged of it?
  3. Help! I have downloaded all your files and for some reason i cant find out how to detect Ore using any of the sensors! No EPL sensors lets me scan, even though i can use the new parts. I have no idea whats not working and/or why. can i please get some suggestions of things i can try please
  4. does this work? \ srry, rlly new. where do you guys place your screenshots usually on the web?
  5. ive got a weird texture glitch that only happens to this program. plz help?
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