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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hey Rune, I replied on your main thread but then i saw this one as well! Any way you can write up a quick flight plan to orbit? I dont have much experience with VTOL's and i cant seem to figure this one out. Is it not supposed to lift off without RAPIERS in closed cycle? also how do you build horizontal velocity with the nukes? Any help would be appreciated. Or if anyone has youtube footage of it would be even better! Thanks!
  2. Hey Rune! Great crafts as always but i did have one question. Would you be able to write up a quick flight progression for getting the Eagle V to orbit? It doesnt seem to lift off kerbin unless the Rapiers are in self contained mode. Is this correct? Any help would be appreciated! Also, Do you use the nukes for horizontal speed or do you pitch down so the rapiers and turbojets give horizontal velocity? Thanks!
  3. Any ascent tips for the BRV-4 Heinlein plane? I cant seem to get it into orbit, it starts stalling at like 25k and i cant build more speed. FAR installed as well.
  4. Has anyone tried to use Mechjeb docking autopilot with the extending docking port? Everytime i try to use it docking on my station, i just rail into the side of the station. Any ideas?
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