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Everything posted by DaPagan

  1. Got it. Just a distance thing, needed to be on the ladder close to the hatch then no problem, can store data in pod or take it out. Excellent help people, Thanks
  2. Hmmm, having trouble with this. Done what's been suggested, but right clicking on a pod or experiment doesn't give me anything. Just trying it with a command pod on the launch pad, tried doing EVA report and right clicking on pod, but nothing. Same with sample Am I missing something obvious?
  3. Ah, didn't realise you could transfer reports between ships. That solves that then. Could someone be polite enough to tell me how to do it? Also the notepad could be a good idea, checklists would be good. Thanks people
  4. Just completed a manned mission to Mun. I used Jebediah to land and get an EVA & crew reports and a sample. I then docked with my 'command module' and transferred Jeb to that vessel. Leaving the lander in orbit around the Mun I sent the crew home. But no science for reports or sample. I guess the dozy kerbal left his reports and the rocks on board the lander. sigh I'm going to have to get back to the Mun and collect the lander with a portable lab to get the science (the lander is incapable of atmos landing) With the exception of unmanned probes etc, would it be better to keep the EVA reports and any samples collected with the crew that performed them? Or I could just redesign my mission plans... Any thoughts?
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