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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Sent my crew to Duna, first time in career since .90 came out. Mission went quite well, until the boys found out they only had about 600m/s of deltaV left on LDO. As a last resort, they made rendezvous with the transfer stage debris, hooked it up (.... yeah KAS), and pumped the lander almost full. It was smooth sailing from then on.. Getting ready for transfer (last pic taken, until takeoff from Duna) Fuel pumping from the remains of the transfer stage Lots of chutes.. Big ass lander touched down...
  2. I've managed to land my two SSTO's while being docked together. Took me about 5 attempts because I didnt realize in the beginning that the docked crafts landing gears are making the whole thing fall apart. http://imgur.com/a/4IyTs
  3. Both of them handle quite well i believe.. The bigger one needs a careful takeoff but once it's airborne, it's pretty manouverable. On the other hand landing it without crashing the two nuclear engines to the ground is somewhat of a challange What I want to try out is two see if it's possible to re-enter the atmosphere and land with the two ships docked together.. For the above posted pictures theres quite a funny story. I tested the new designs to see if they can orbit, and have docked both of them at my refueling station. After fooling around a bit, I decided to land the bigger one (lot more deltaV cause of the nuclears) on Minmus. I undocked, headed to the little moon, landed, planted a flag, everything seemed to be perfect. On the trip back, relying too much on mechjebs deltaV stats, I ran out of oxidizer (I forgot, that those pesky little turbojets with jetfuel have accounted for 80% of the deltaV). I switched to the smaller plane, rendezvoused, pumped all available fuel out of it, Jeb climbed over.. The two kerbalnauts than saw that the seemingly enough fuel in the small craft converted into a tiny bit of push in the larger one They were at the time about 800km high Kerbin orbit.. Then came the ingenius idea, to use the RCS fuel to lower the periapsis which they did to about 250kms. Then they played around with the remaining fuel to balance out the two engines so they wont spin when at maximum thrust and then engaged all engine power they had left. This brought the periapsis further down to about 60kms. From here was just a matter of time. They did a couple of full orbits aerobraking each time until finally the it payed off. They reentered the atmosphere, and successfully landed on Kerbins highlands. I must add that it was quite a lucky thing because they didnt have an idea where they are and it was nighttime Thanks to the amazing piloting skillz of the crew they managed to land (only lost the two nuclear engines and one landing gear).
  4. Hello guys, just made my first two fully functional SSTO's..
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