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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. these two mods are not cheats mechjeb is an autopilot to help out and hyperedit is just there if you dont have enough time
  2. can we please get some sort of like compressed fuel tank which holds five times normal amount
  3. can i pweese get a very nice person to tell me what the complete feutures of it are before i download it
  4. there is an advanced science mod that i have not been able to work had to delete it cause it would not load i advise to be careful
  5. does anyone know what the show input lock stack and the pause on vessel unpack means
  6. i made a new design with a few mods with advanced science at first i didnt think it was going to work but it did. ive even been in orbit of mutiple planets but the only problem is that it cant fully land on planets but it goes to fast and hits them
  7. how do i get my main base upgraded please tell me
  8. is it possible to launch a full satalite from ground on kerbal (international space station mod) please help
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