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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hey just wondering, I'm currently feeling like the science def needs a little more observations for other experiments. Would it be possible if I could add update the definitions and post the file or give it to you? Thanks
  2. Daquake did you manage to fix the problem? If yes can you tell me how? Thanks
  3. EDIT: Ok so when I actually wait to connect after it says handshaking, a little sentence comes up saying disconnected please return to the main menu. If I press connect another time, it'll come up with tcp connection established. Is there still a problem with what I'm doing?
  4. Thanks for the help. Does this server work with the current ksp version?
  5. I agree daquake, it's been happening alot with other servers as well and I would just like to point out the issue too. But for some reason I see the player list and other players are on the server. What did they do that we didn't?
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