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  1. The mod is great so far, but I'm running into 2 problems: #1: I'm having trouble figuring out the QVP mode on plasma thrusters. They're supposed to work in a vacuum and require only megajoules, correct? It seems that no matter what altitude of the ship (90km or 900km), the QVP doesn't kick in, even when selecting "Auto QVP." All that button does for me is switch to liquid fuel. I'm not sure how high you need to be, but I imagined that 900km would be high enough for a vacuum. #2: Parts don't tweak. I don't see any kind of tweak scale slider on any of the KSPI parts. I went ahead and installed the full version of tweakscale, and went through the troubleshooting section of the mod, and still nothing. I imagine this is a problem with tweakscale rather than KSPI, though. I just imagined that a bundled version of tweakscale would work "out of the box," but I must be doing something wrong. It was a totally clean install for KSPI and tweakscale. Anyone have any ideas? Yes, tweakscale is in the gamedata folder.
  2. Ahh awesome, looks like I unlocked beacons long before I unlock the tanks o.O Oh well!
  3. Thanks for the reply. I understand that Karborundum isn't tweakable, but do you have to be attached to a beacon to produce karborundum? When I try to distill karbonite, there's no place to put the karborundum because there's no tanks for that resource except what's on-board the beacon, or are there?
  4. This might be a stupid question, but previous versions of the mod had each beacon carrying a small amount of Karborundum, as I recall (I was also not playing with Karbonite installed at the time). Now, all I can see is the electric charge resource tied to each beacon. When you distill karbonite into karborundum...where is that resource stored? As far as I can tell, there are no karborundum tanks, so my distillers run into the problem of there not being a place to put the karborundum, and none is generated. Is there a specific tank that's supposed to be used? Am I supposed to affix a distiller to the beacon and bring it karbonite?
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