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Everything posted by Vane

  1. Well my computer's graphics cards and just my computer in general is old and kind of sucks now. I going to buy a new better computer, Will i be able to get a good gaming computer/decent gaming computer with any NVidia Graphics cards under or at 600$ USD?
  2. NEXT STEP: Get a all SRB Fighter Rocket into space! Edit: I also accidentally forgot to upload the screenshot of your idea's first attemp it crashing, Sorry i got confused and accidentally clicked and uploaded the wrong one.
  3. Well, It all started with an idea... Well, Jebediah and i was having one of our famous how many boosters can you put on a rocket until it spins out of control sessions... Then while we we're strapping boosters onto a ship to spin it out of control, About 5-10 haha. We got an idea, There's fighter jets... But not FIGHTER ROCKETS! So......... It then began! Chapter Uno (One) So we thought and thought and we strapped some wings and a rocket. So then we tested it...This isn't going to end pretty, I just feel it. I thought right... Because, Okay, Back to the drawing board. This may go better... Oh no. Oh jeez. Hahah it's still going? PART 2: We're going deeper! So as was commented by Specialist thanks for reading! We're going to take his idea/question. And see how it effects fighter planes. Let's go. So that didn't work now did it? Now let's try something else! I got a feeling this will work someday heheh Hey, It's ACTUALLY working... Something's gotta be wrong! Oops! Almost made it! Well, Here we go again! Oh... Yes! Awww no. Will we ever do it? Will we ever make it? FIND OUT IN PART 3!!!
  4. Oh okay, Sorry for the misunderstanding. I really didn't know how to do this, I don't know much about Delta-V and i'm not really a good math person so Yeah. I can tell you from expirience i was messing around and that lander actually landed me on alot of trips, That was just by guesswork. And i didn't want to test 500 times hehe. So yeah from expirience i know that the 3 stages you need are the lifting one how you get off the landing pad, Then the burn one. And the lander. I usually worked from that. And i just used the bigger of the fuselages, I know that may sound stupid. But really i don't know how else i can explain. I usually just think of bigger has more fuel and i also try to use other smaller ones. I'm sorry if thats not what you need/meant. I'm just trying to explain how i can Thanks for the tips too!
  5. Okay, My reason is because i really don't have much of a choice. I just started my carreer mode. So that means i've only done a few researches so not much parts to work with, If you can suggest a design i should try i'm all for it! And thanks for the tips!
  6. Oh sure okay, Here's the link: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/apollo-lmcsm-replica/ Also how would i scale down is it literraly shrinking or just moving them down?
  7. I downloaded the Apollo part pack, It's a small little pack not really heard of. (Atleast i think not?) But it's capsules are smaller than the fuselages it has... And the adapters really don't fit to ships, What do i do about this? Alot of part packs i've downloaded have had fuselages bigger than the capsules they provide.
  8. I saw this somewhere, Didn't explain nothing. But is NASA Actually helping/Endorsing KSP Due to it being a simulator for schools?
  9. I do not know, And Borked? Did you mispell or is that really what you typed hehe?
  10. Oh the launch escape system yeah that! The part(s) in my part list called it a launch tower. May start using those. And using radial parachutes, But will be kind of hard considering i installed DEADLY REENTRYYYYYY (Que Loud Commercial Voice Echo) I can use this incase i run out of fuel on accident in space and no way to get them back, I can use my escape tower to get a orbit and get my kerbals reentering kerbin, Right?
  11. I have some launch towers but i never actually used them because i rather have a parachute on the capsule than another rocket hehe. So my question is what do they do exactly, More speed or what?
  12. Apparently, KSP Thinks i'm an inverted player and put A and D opposite and W and S was inverted so i had to change it, KSP Why you thinks inverted Thanks guys!
  13. Okay, But i've reinstalled countless times the outcome was the same, I guess i could try deleting the settings.cfg?
  14. Yes, All rockets/rovers/Probes. Even stock kerbal X ones. Even Modded Ones Also i'll take a look at the thread but what would you specifically need. I don't think task manager snapshot would help...? K, Those will be in my OP's description. So i just paste this whole log thing and setting thing or will it say its too long or something, i'll try while waiting for your reply.
  15. Yes, All rockets/rovers/Probes. Even stock kerbal X ones. Even Modded Ones Also i'll take a look at the thread but what would you specifically need. I don't think task manager snapshot would help...?
  16. I really don't even know i've had this problem since i first bought this game. EDIT: Also happens with wheels, Same problem. So rovers are inverted too.
  17. Forgive me, But Reproduction Steps? Like Turning or flying? Edit: this also happens with rockets and probes
  18. It seems like the controls are inverted, If they are is it possible to turn it off? For example, W goes Down and S Goes Up, Instead of Vice Versa. A Goes right, D Goes Left. This is really messing my landings up since i'm used to the original WASD. So i'll press W forgetting it goes down and my ship starts turning the wrong way and SAS Dosen't even really help, I press A to straighten my landing legs since i'm turned sideways, I then turn right messing me even more up, This is really getting me mad can i change this or turn it off? EDIT: More Details, My version is 23.5 (I can't get that exactly, But it's the latest version ) My addons are kethane, KAS, Hyper Edit (for youtube) KOSMOS Space Station Parts Pack, Also this problem happened before i had any mods installed. Pastebin for settings.cfg and logs: http://pastebin.com/Fa8QfzJy http://pastebin.com/Yq4qbSS9
  19. Hehe, I'm actually setting up my munar colony as i reply. I'm still learning how to use KAS to hook up the stuff together.
  20. Guys, Just to remind you. This isn't about my grammer issues okay? It's about mars being habitable by terraforming, Thank you
  21. K i have tons of small ones, How exactly do i get to them and what do i do with them once i've grabbed them, Shoot them twords the sun make em burn?
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