I remember seeing a post around a while back about one brave astroman who built a very large ship that took off from the "surface" of jool. After hyperediting it in, and expending an amount of energy that some small countries use in a year, he managed to get from about 300 metres below the "surface" (as indicated by the altitude-o-metre), and into a low (but stable) orbit around the gas giant. I have been spending the past few hours looking for this post, as I was really interested in showing one of my friends that, "yes, it is possible". However since the post seems to be lost in the realms of second page google searches, and i've never had any luck with the forum searchbar, (or any forum each for that matter), i'm wondering if someone remembers this post, and happens to know where it is. if you have the post (or imgur album that it was based on), i would love to have a link to it, or if you remember the topic, but not exactly where, i'm always up for a bit more searching. (also i extremely apologize if this is the wrong board, it didnt seem to fit anywhere else, but i still have no idea if this is the right place)