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Everything posted by mtndrew1

  1. I'd assume so, I haven't tried interfacing with any mods. You might have to import the mod or namespace into your code e.g. http://penlight.luaforge.net/project-pages/penlight/packages/LuaInterface/
  2. You should be able to do everything with how the program is now, if the part of the api you wish to use isn't exposed you can expose it using luanet.import_type. I wanted to stage my rocket, so I imported the staging class and used it to stage my rocket function stage() Stag = luanet.import_type('Staging') if(Stag.CurrentStage == 0) then return end print('Staging') Stag.ActivateNextStage() end You can use the various API references in the wiki to help you, or if you have visual studio, open up the source of the mod and browse the classes in the object browser.
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