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Everything posted by humptydump

  1. Try the environment variable. Should work with the free NVIDIA drivers as well, as they are also based on the Gallium renderer. > GALLIUM_MSAA=8 ./KSP.bla
  2. Does anybody have antialiasing work out of the box in KSP on Linux? Here the options were without effect. But with the AMD driver, I could enable AA by enforcing it for all applications via the catalyst control center. Now with the new Ubuntu, there is no more need for fglrx. With the free driver and MESA, I now run KSP with an environment variable enforcing AA: Gallium is the name of the open source 3D renderer. MSAA stands for multi-sample anti-aliasing.
  3. I doubt that this is true. But much more important: Higher RAM usage is only one of many advantages of 64-bit software, and for KSP only relevant if you really run excessive mods. Physics simulation may profit a lot from 64-bit support with less RAM as well.
  4. Tip: Antialiasing works on Linux with AMD video cards, if you set it up in the catalyst control center, checking the box "overwrite application settings".
  5. Yes, that is true, but there are several reasons for such a feature or mod: 1. It would make it easy to run comparable benchmarks on different operating systems and computers. 2. You do not have to setup external measuring tools on every system you want to bench, you can just run it everywhere where KSP runs in the first place. 3. Tools like BuGLe may slow down KSP a lot, because they measure the FPS for each frame, and write it down to a file for each frame. This can result in very different results on different systems, maybe even depending on the specific OpenGL code. 4. Also complicated tasks like building a 32-bit BuGLe on a 64-bit Linux for comparison measurements wouldn't be necessary any more.
  6. I made a new run, here is my raw data: http://spacepal.sagitta.uberspace.de/ksp/bugle.log For less slowdown by the debug tool, I wrote the logfile into a tmpfs (RAM-Disk drive). The logfile starts with the launch of KSP, the launch of the rocket starts 90 seconds later. Here is my own chart made from it: http://spacepal.sagitta.uberspace.de/ksp/result-bench-phenomii-0235.png Here is a little C program I wrote to convert the data from BuGLe into a list of framerates for each second: http://spacepal.sagitta.uberspace.de/ksp/convert.c
  7. BTW: Would it not be better if somebody who knows the KSP API would just code a two-line mod which after each in-game second would output a real-time time stamp to the screen and/or a file? This would be much more directly measure CPU/physics instead of FPS/graphics. I don't know the API, but this should be a 5-minute job for someone who knows it.
  8. @DMagic: I have overwritten the logfile, but I am going to create a new clean one. Last night was just my plan to get BuGLe working. Of course that is even with my instructions not the easiest task, but at least a somehow experienced Linux user (who knows how to open a terminal and how to compile something) can now do it without reading tons of documentation. It took me literally hours to find out how to actually run it (preload the lib) and how to put a working filter file. I am also planning to cross-compile a 32-bit version of BuGLe to run with KSP.x86. This would give us a nice comparison between the two on an exactly identical system.
  9. Here a chart for my Phenom II X6 1090T (3200MHz regular, 3600MHz turbo) created by above method (ignore the units on the X axis, I could not yet figure out the time units of BuGLe).
  10. I suggest the following instructions for benchmarking on Ubuntu Linux (other Distros should be similar). 1. Download BuGLe from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bugle/files/bugle/0.0.20140104/bugle-0.0.20140104.tar.bz2/download 2. Install "scons" (apt-get install scons) 3. Unzip BuGLe. 4. Open a terminal in the BuGLe directory. 5. Run "scons" to compile. 6. Run "sudo scons install" to install. 7. Copy the example files from "doc/examples" in the BuGLe-directory to "$HOME/.bugle/". 8. Run KSP with the command: "BUGLE_CHAIN=logfps LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/libbugle.so KSP.x86_64" 9. You will find a logfile with fps rates in the directory, where you executed the command.
  11. Am I the only person where starting KSP (64bit from zip, no Steam, no Mods) makes gnome-panel (and some other components) crash? OS is Ubuntu 13.10 (64-bit). I even switched to xfce4 for that reason now.
  12. Are you sure that they even load the models? It should be unnecessary for calculating orbits.
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