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  1. Actually, the problem has something to do with the way you coded the mod. I'd bet real money that the anti-gravity room changes the magnitude of gravitational acceleration but not the direction. Thus, the room was being pulled more or less than the contents, causing relative motion. And if there were real physix it wouldn't do anything on the ground, either.
  2. I did a quick search, and surprisingly discovered nothing on the topic, so: Is there a reason this isn't on ckan? I'm guessing there is, but I'm not sure what it could be.
  3. Antimaterial rifles are a thing, and they don't involve antimatter. Infantry aren't defenseless against combat vehicles--they just need the right equipment. Mind, it's not vital to the mod by any means, but possibilities exist without even needing to reach for ultratech. If I had to suggest a couple features I'd like to see, they would be the related features of "reloading spacecraft weapons" and "moving missiles/whatever around with KAS". Also, the download link in the OP doesn't seem to work.
  4. There being no "Modded KSP Questions" subforum, I figured I'd go here. I have done many things in my time as a KSP player. I've sent a rocket to Eve. I've sent a helicopter to Eve and realized that an ion engine plus the propeller wouldn't get my kerbal back into orbit. I've sent more missions to Minmus than I can count, built spaceplanes, explored the poles, and tried to figure out Interstellar. But one thing I have not been able to do for the life of me is rendezvous (unless the other object has a sphere of influence). I decided to try out MechJeb's rendezvous autopilot, but determined that it simply did not work. "Auto-Warp" was a complete bust, unless "auto" here means "only allow 1x". Moreover, it was creating maneuver nodes but then not executing them, which I'm pretty sure is the bare minimum you'd expect an "autopilot" to do. I'm not sure what was going on, but I'm willing to bet that I screwed up something rather than MechJeb is inherently screwed up. Now, if it was just "MechJeb isn't very good at this; I should see if I can get better at it," I'd just work at my own rendezvous skills. But when I have such a profound failure, I just can't help but wonder what the heck is going on.
  5. The implications of if it didn't are pretty big, too. It's unlikely that life would have gone from one world to the other (though admittedly not impossible); therefore, the implication would be that it spread from somewhere else, likely via comets in deep space. If this is the case, one would expect to find life on every potentially-life-bearing world in the universe, or at minimum the corner with the life-causing stuff. I vaguely recall reading somewhere that tidal forces from Jupiter heat Europa's core (or something like that), which I'd imagine it part of how the ocean is liquid. If it's Europa that I'm thinking of, then that's an obvious source. Even if there was oil, the fact that you'd have to fly drilling equipment there, drill through thick ice and an ocean (without any chance of fixing anything that breaks), fly the oil back home, and deal with huge backlash. Oil prices would need to rise dramatically before that became profitable...it would be cheaper to send huge solar panels into orbit and beam electricity back to Earth. Most likely, if we found life on Europa, we'd gather as much data about it with the probe we sent (likely not much aside from "how fast does it swim away?" if the probe wasn't specifically designed to look for life, eg filtering water to find bacteria or somesuch), then begin designing a probe to study that life further. Also, NASA and the like would get more public interest and maybe more funding.
  6. My opinion on the matter seems to be similar to that of others: MechJeb is best used for when you've learned how to fly manually and don't want to. It's also useful for things you can do but aren't as good as the computer at, like maintaining attitude. That being said, people who fly entirely with MechJeb aren't doing it "wrong," though they are missing out and will be SOL if they encounter a bug or something MechJeb doesn't do well.
  7. That should help with the hitting-KSC part; thank you! Now I just need to work on the not-smashing part.
  8. I've seen loads of people build spaceplanes but built few myself. I quickly threw one together with Spaceplane+ parts (also landing gear, RAPIERs, and a MechJeb unit) and took it to orbit with ease. When I had it land, I wanted to end up on the runway like you just about always see happen in videos. I set MechJeb to autoland at the KSC runway (or at least, that's what I thought the thing was supposed to do) and started timewarping. After some minutes, it crashed down in the desert with no apparent attempt to save any of the pieces. It was about a third of the planet away from KSC. Next, I tried flying it level towards KSC for a while, aware that I was slowly losing fuel. I made it there, finally, then decided to see if MechJeb's autoland was any better if you started deep in the atmosphere instead of 50-odd kilometers up. Well, it was closer to the Kerbal Space Center. Luckily, I quicksaved! I tried to land it manually, and...well...most of the parts survived, even if they weren't attached to each other. I have a couple of interrelated questions. How, with or ideally without MechJeb, does one... 1. Land at KSC rather than anywhere on Kerbin? (A version that works with pods would be helpful.) 2. Land without destroying the plane? And while I'm here, what's the Autoland function supposed to do, anyways?
  9. Is it this one? Huh. It sounded like people were using it to actually edit their planet maps or something like that. Well, still sounds useful I suppose.
  10. I'm interested in making new planets, but I have a couple questions. First off, you mention that the SoI is derived from GeeASL. Could you provide us with the formula, or an approximation thereof? Secondly, people keep talking about Space Engine and how it lets them fiddle with planets better. What is it, where is it, and how do I use it?
  11. Happy Fourth of July to all! Here's a little KSP-based video I made today to celebrate. http://youtu.be/VtpIptGLT_o What a shame that all the interesting discussion got wrapped up before I got here, otherwise I'd give my $0.02.
  12. Huh. I thought that was just a package of planets. That is more helpful than I had anticipated! Thank you!
  13. How would one make new planets, moons, or whatever for the Kerbolal system? I know it's possible, and it seems like an idea with a wide array of potential ideas that haven't already been done by people with far more skill in all relevant areas. Hence, I've often considered learning how to do so. I have a few questions on the subject. 1. Does anyone have any general advice? How the planets are coded, where they're stored, general things like that? 2. For making the shape, and ideally the texture, would a tool like this work? If not, what would I need to do? 3. For future reference (once I get into advanced projects), is it possible to give planets unique resources a la kethane? Keep in mind that I'm pretty new to the whole modding thing. I have some vague idea of what can be done, and have a little experience with programming, but I don't know much more than my own ignorance. Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
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